This is part of a post from A Voice For Men
Lies Men Are Fed
Section: “There is no “I’ in team”
This aphorism is used to promote selflessness and sacrifice in the common interest. Those that typically end up sacrificing the most are men. It is a false platitude exactly because every member of a team isn’t equally useful, ever.
Are the men that bring in all the new business at a large multi-national corporation as valuable as the women in the HR and compliance departments processing trumped up sexual harassment cases and making sure everyone has their top button done up? Are all the men that bring in new business equal? Of course not; there are star performers there are grunts, and there is dead wood.
To me, this is where we derail ourselves both as men and socially, but an excellent example of how the Gender-War has become a Gender-Bender.
This concept of men, suggests that their finer qualities should be arrogance, selfishness and greed. As a social model, the end game, can only be a failure, because it sets men up to fail.
You take away their freedom, their opportunity to learn and grow, and to build an identity.
It comes about by ridiculous comparisons to try to re-establish male identity, and confusing the process of business that gives a man his job and that opportunity, not an opportunity.
As for the ‘I’ in team. Every ‘I’ should have a clear understanding of what is required of him.
Some will fail.
Some will be slower than others.
Some may be promoted past their level of competence.
Some will shine.
If male leaders can’t understand why sensible women would rail against the concept being promoted in this article by a Voice For Men, then I think we (men) really do have a problem.
If this is the American Way, the way A Voice for Men wants to go, Menz should seriously reconsider its promotion of this organisation.
To put it bluntly, this is not a voice for men, and it is the lie we are being told.