Sun 12th May 2019:
Hi ALL…there is an online PETITION [on the NZ Parliament website and currently open until 31/12/2019] asking the government to fund a MINISTRY FOR MEN as a means to better address ‘Mens Issues’ and the many negative outcomes affecting MEN, their families and society as a whole. There has been a women’s ministry since 1984 […]
Sat 15th December 2018:
Our heartfelt empathy goes out to the family and associates of Grace Millane. Losing one’s child must be one of the most traumatic experiences humans can face. The unpleasant circumstances of Grace’s case can only serve to increase the pain and devastation. Much of the NZ population has experienced deep sadness, shame and anger. Grace […]
Sun 18th November 2018:
‘Snapped’ is an interesting tv series shown on the free-to-air ‘Bravo’ channel. Although suffering from American production style with too much repetition, it’s quite well done in general, not too hyped up, very factual, including real footage of police interviews and detailed descriptions of the police investigations and evidential developments. The series focuses on murders […]
Sun 4th November 2018:
I know this site has some great minds and maybe a few retired people that can dedicate a substantial amount of time for the benefit of others. I think, in my not so humbled mind that what we need is a dedicated working group to offer submissions on all things affecting the population of NZ. […]
Sat 25th August 2018:
How long are we to endure this ridiculous double standard in our criminal justice system? Here’s a violent woman who seriously injured two other women after punching a man. She wan’t even charged for hitting the man! If a man had hit a woman in exactly the same circumstances he would certainly have been charged […]
Thu 11th January 2018:
The ‘Glitter Boobs’ story from the Gisborne ‘Rhythm and Vines’ music festival has been an international hit and our NZ Herald has published numerous articles on it, giving uncritical voice to Madeline Anello-Kitzmiller, Kiri-Ann Hatfield and Katie Ashworth and misrepresenting the events significantly. A bystander’s video recording showed Anello-Kitzmiller walking through the crowd with her […]
Wed 21st September 2016:
What the F**k is the world coming to?? Are women becoming so protected and so offended by and afraid of the world that a man can not even whistle at one without being charged with a crime. THEY HAVE TO BE JOKING!!!.Needless to say it will happen in NZ sooner or later to.
Fri 26th February 2016:
Recent cases highlight the danger our society, or at least the male half, faces under current approaches to violence. The case of Shona Maiden was one. She gave her false account of events to police and even went to news media with photos of her son cuddling her and appeared on tv with convincing tears […]
Thu 24th December 2015:
Target-setting is great for progress, but is it right for suicide prevention? Alan Woodward Mental health Opinion What is the “right’ suicide prevention target? Does a target of 50% imply acceptance that in Australia 1300 people will die by suicide each year? Setting targets has become commonplace as a way of measuring achievement and progress. […]
Wed 25th November 2015:
On this auspicious offensive occasion of 2015’s display of blatant sexism called White Ribbon Day, we might consider the following characteristics of this campaign.
Sun 13th September 2015:
1. Michael Murray sentenced to life for murder of Connor Morris It’s difficult to imagine anything more provocative than seeing a P-addled gang member bashing the shit out of your brother with the real possibility of death or permanent brain damage. That doesn’t mean it’s ok to have a slasher with you and to swing […]
Fri 6th March 2015:
Working With Men Affected By Violence Training Program Friday March 20 9.30am – 4.00pm Cancer Society New Zealand, 52 Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington Flier for convenient printing
Sun 24th August 2014:
Tauawhi (Maori) to hug, embrace, support (one another) Tauawhi Men’s Centre is located in Gisborne and its co-ordinator Tim Marshall has announced via STUFF NATION their intention to hold a hui – a hui promoting a men’s response to violence in Aotearoa.
Sun 13th July 2014:
Many times throughout the life of this site authors have raised concerns about media reporting, and often blatant reporting, of news written to favour women or to demonise men. After years of harping we less often see the obvious one liners like ‘the deadbeat dad’. But there is something more sinister afoot when it comes […]
Sun 25th May 2014:
Playlist: Depths of corruption 10 talks 2h 22m · Curated by TED Corruption manifests itself in many ways, some subtler than others. From anonymous companies to bribes to unjust electoral systems, these talks take you deep into ethically murky territory and offer bold ideas on what we can do about it.
Tue 6th May 2014:
A 100-point Women’s Election Agenda Aotearoa 2014 has been released, calling for action on violence against women and many other issues. I don’t think there is a page in it, that wouldn’t breach the Human Rights Act, but for the Government exception. mcb. womens election agenda march 2014 final.pdf The link above was hurriedly password […]
Sun 9th March 2014:
Judith Collins26 MARCH, 2013 Conviction, sentencing stats show crime down Statistics released by the Ministry of Justice today show the number of people being charged in court has reduced by more than 20 per cent since 2009, Justice Minister Judith Collins says. The Conviction and Sentencing Statistics, published on the Statistics New Zealand website, show […]
Thu 6th March 2014:
Given the significant changes in behaviour that occurred in familycaught$, both before the Bristol murders and suicide and after, it is important that this report receives close scrutiny. If it was marked in accordance with professional social science research standards, in my opinion it would receive an E rating. It is not fit for the […]
Death of Nelson mother and children a ‘tragedy of highest order’ 5:01 AM Tuesday Oct 3, 2000 [Media reporting impact analysis] Rosemary Perkin, the 35-year-old Nelson woman found dead along with her three young daughters in their home, was an ordinary woman living an unremarkable life in suburban Stoke. Police believe Mrs Perkin killed […]
Wed 5th March 2014:
Those who forget history, supposedly are doomed to repeat it. Life is much more cruel than that…. These are the ‘debates’ that led to the New Zealand Domestic Violence Act 1995.
Thu 12th December 2013: Latest ABS Personal Safety Survey shows one in three victims of domestic violence is male
Thu 21st November 2013:
As White Ribbon invest their energy and our money in a bigoted social campaign against ‘male domestic violence’ the news this week has served up a chilling slice of reality, about life in New Zealand. On Sunday, as fate would have it, the alleged attempted murder of a Hamilton man was captured by an in-store […]
Sun 20th October 2013:
The Ministry of Men’s Affairs is a community group because successive governments have ignored the voice and welfare of NZ men. Each Saturday in October a few of us have been pounding the pavements in different cities to raise awareness of men’s issues and to encourage people to wear a black ribbon rather than supporting […]
Sun 6th October 2013:
White Fibbin’ supporters often defend their campaign by asserting they have a right to focus on the particular issue of protecting women from male violence, and if other people wish to focus on other forms of violence they are welcome to do so. Another justification offered is that it is a campaign started by men […]