I know two BOYS,,, one 8, one 10, Their Lady teachers talk to them in Baby talk, they are 8 and 10!,, 8 and 10!!! I see other Boys, often they have no Dad,,, their Mothers talk to them like Babies!!! Please some one tell me, who they will be, will they be okay, will […]

Archive of Men’s Health
The online Petition to Jacinda asking for a MINISTRY FOR MEN
Hi ALL…there is an online PETITION [on the NZ Parliament website and currently open until 31/12/2019] asking the government to fund a MINISTRY FOR MEN as a means to better address ‘Mens Issues’ and the many negative outcomes affecting MEN, their families and society as a whole. There has been a women’s ministry since 1984 […]
Psuedo Academics teaching hands on skills…
Meditation..no not mediation..”MEDITATION”
FamilyJusticeReforms FamilyJusticeReforms [email protected] Hi any one and every one,,,,,join in the conversation,, these guys want submissions from any one that has had experience with the system. I have just received an email thanking me for my email/submission and they have asked me to answer some more specific questions in due course. Im my submission I […]
Virtual Justice
Video links have been used for some time now, within the Justice System, to eliminate minor appearances, for a person in custody. In September the Police arrest process in Central Auckland will be transferred to a new processing unit near Mt Eden Prison. Along with this will come virtual court appearances, where overnight arrests will […]
Autobiography of Dean Wickliffe
At the age of 68 Wickliffe who has been paroled unsuccessfully in the past, has been released again for the 6th time. He has twice escaped from Paremoremo, during his term of imprisonment for the murder, and has been responsible for significant offending while on parole. I’m curious to know what is in this book […]
I Don’t Want it to be a Secret
Meat-Eating now Another Feminist Issue
Research on Body Image
Message from Darren Elliott: Kia ora. Together with Geoff Lealand and Lisa Perrott in Screen and Media Studies at the University of Waikato, I am researching and writing about perceptions of body shape and image, and the role of the media in shaping or reinforcing such perceptions. I am focusing on notions of body and […]
Most Prostate Cancer Treatment Doesn’t Save Lives
Every single life lost to suicide is one too many.
Target-setting is great for progress, but is it right for suicide prevention? Alan Woodward Mental health Opinion What is the “right’ suicide prevention target? Does a target of 50% imply acceptance that in Australia 1300 people will die by suicide each year? Setting targets has become commonplace as a way of measuring achievement and progress. […]
Missing Legal Documents in New Zealand
This will be of interest to anyone who deals with an ex-partner through legally transferred communications only, or who has communicated this way in the past. I’m looking at an interesting case, where many years ago, a group of Labour Party professionals (during labour’s time in power) constructed a court case in favour of another […]
Trust in professionals
I have often commented about my views on the professionalism and skills of the peoples working in familycaught$. Although occasionally complimentary, most of my comments suggest that there might be room for improvement. My views are only those of a poor axe murderer, so I have little social credibility for my poor judgements. I have […]
MRA Perspectives on Recent Events
1. Michael Murray sentenced to life for murder of Connor Morris It’s difficult to imagine anything more provocative than seeing a P-addled gang member bashing the shit out of your brother with the real possibility of death or permanent brain damage. That doesn’t mean it’s ok to have a slasher with you and to swing […]
It’s so easy to get political change? DV
Greg Andresen, of Men’s Health Australia, is a persistent and sharp political operator. I have heard many men in NZ complain “Why doesn’t someone [else?] talk to the politicians and get everything sorted out?”. If I have tried to explain what is required to communicate well to politicians, I have been attacked as defeatist and […]
Photographing Boobs and Bums is ok
The case of Errol Standeven The police had no complaints from any of the women, who did not know that Standeven was photographing them walking and exercising, but it had a complaint from a man who said he was “disgusted” when he saw what Standeven was doing. These are photos in the open in public […]
Course – Working With Men Affected By Violence
Increasing Drug Deaths for Men
Something that has become apparent to me during the last year is the sea change in the British Media around the reporting of men’s issues. I am not making any claim that their media has lost all sexist bias, but certainly there has been a significant change in the nature of their reporting. When I […]
2014 suicide figures released
Chief Coroner Judge Neil MacLean today released the provisional annual suicide figures for the year ending 30 June 2014. The total for the year was 529, which is the lowest number by two since the annual coronial figures were first produced for the 2007/08 year. There were 12 fewer suicides compared to last year, and […]
Robin Williams – A Great Men’s Advocate
Yesterday the world reeled from the sudden death of Actor/Comedian Robin Williams. Today tributes will flow, and rightfully so, from all corners of the earth, from those who knew him and worked with him, to those who respected and enjoyed his immense talent – he was a rare talent that could seize any moment, and […]
Statins for men
There has been some debate over statins in the British media in the last few days, which got me thinking, and of course this raises questions for the medical advisors to the site. Is heart disease more prevalent in men? I don’t know, I have never researched this, although I feel generally that I hear […]