Oz Politician highlights the Family Court causes suicides and murders. We have the same problem in NZ. I now call out the Minister of Justice Andrew Little as the man responsible for inaction. Andrew Little has turned a blind eye to these dads and their children.
The attached video – Pauline Hanson reports the Family Court in Australia has caused male suicides and female murders. It includes the murders of children by both male and females and other family members. Hanson had identified filicide. That is the killing of one’s son or daughter. A repugnant crime that Hanson says the stats show filicide is committed by more mothers than fathers!
The Australian Government has closed the Family Court. They could not repair or change the set ideology, they could not get rid of the hidden agenders. In one king hit, the Australian Government closed this industry down. The Federal Closed Circuit Court will now take over. 155 Stakeholders i.e. the people who choose to “keep the ball in play” to maximize the hurt and cost to all are now fired. Dismissed for the mental health and deaths they have caused in families. See them scream in the following link.
This is I think the very first major pushback of the feminist ideology worldwide. The beginning of the end of hatred towards men.
On to New Zealand. Minister of Justice Andrew Little has his limited response to the same issues we have.
In 2009 Principal Family Court Judge Peter Boshier identified 22 people involved in Family Court cases who died as a result of either suicide or homicide. Of these 18 (82 per cent) were suspected suicides, and 41 per cent of the deceased had been, either directly or indirectly, involved in domestic violence proceedings,” he said.
Andrew Little has been the minister of justice for 4 years now. I can only conclude Andrew Little must be overwhelmingly pleased with the suicides otherwise he would have done something over the past 4 years.
If Andrew Little decides to ask for a review or royal commission of enquiry, I and I suspect the voting public will take this as its OK to carry on and cause more mental health, more suicides while he puts it to the bottom of his list of things to do and gleefully claims “I’m waiting on the report”.
Employing more judges will only slightly shorten wait times. The backlog is huge. It will not address the suicides. The core of the matter is the law does not address fairness towards men. The only way forward to reduce mental health and suicide is to;
1. Automatically give dads the same equal share of children as mothers have. If he does not have a home, then it should be parent week about hot swap.
2. Force FCJ to either jail or fine those who commit perjury.
3. Dump the outdated and failed Duluth model. Ordering men to agree to such nonsense before he can be with his children is harmful and causes suicides.
4. Openly acknowledge women can be violent and nasty. They do it by manipulation, perjury, gaslighting and parental alienation. Make such behaviour a serious crime.
5. Make the penalty for parental alienation punishable by returning children to victims.
6. Fund all family court lawyers. This will take away the pressure of limited finance at a time when families are under duress, doubling their accommodation and other costs.
Another way is to force mediation first.
The Australians are reforming their Family Courts to prevent or reduce suicides and murders from happening. Minister of Justice Andrew Little is not.
The Children will ask you one simple question. Are you going to compensate me for my fathers suicide? Children will say “I didn’t get a good start in life because the Family Court did everything they could to stop my loving dad from seeing me”. If you reply ACC, it will be pointed out it was not an accident. The Family Court is designed to cause mental health and suicide.
It also puts the child at risk of suicide too. Maybe not straight away, but certainly further down the track when that kid is old enough to see why he or she has ended up with their lot in life.
I am reminded it only took a child to point out the Emperor didn’t have any clothes on at all.
Two swindlers arrive at the capital city of an emperor who spends lavishly on clothing at the expense of state matters. Posing as weavers, they offer to supply him with magnificent clothes that are invisible to those who are stupid or incompetent. The emperor hires them, and they set up looms and go to work. A succession of officials, and then the emperor himself, visit them to check their progress. Each sees that the looms are empty but pretends otherwise to avoid being thought a fool. Finally, the weavers report that the emperor’s suit is finished. They mime dressing him and he sets off in a procession before the whole city. The townsfolk uncomfortably go along with the pretence, not wanting to appear inept or stupid, until a child blurts out that the emperor is wearing nothing at all. The people then realize that everyone has been fooled. Although startled, the emperor continues the procession, walking more proudly than ever.
So you can see it from a child’s prospective. Let’s change some names in that 1837 classic.
The swindlers are the lawyers and mothers.
The weavers are feminist Ellen Pence and mothers.
The public officials are the Judges.
The townsfolk are the voters.
The child is the child.
The Emperor is Andrew Little.
Although startled, Andrew Little continues the procession, walking more proudly than ever past the children sitting beside graves of their once loving fathers.
I’ll leave it to the Minister of Justice to choose to be remembered as a Minister of effective action and resolve or a Minister of a department that causes unnecessary mental health, suicides and lifelong crushing debt.