I have come to the opinion that the root problem for men, and in particular white males, emanates from a political dogma that was spawned by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as laid out in their published material, Das Kapital.
In short, it paints a picture of the oppressor and the oppressed within an economic frame and sets up the solution as a war of one group against another. By the 60’s most sane thinkers could see, from viewing both the Soviet Union and China, that it failed to produce the utopia promised but instead producing a bureaucratic monster that crushed both groups.
It is interesting that the headline and the one kicking upa skink is the “outraged mother”.
A mother has been left ‘fuming’ after her husband was denied entry to a parents’ room because there were ‘other mothers in there’.
Sarah Fa’avale, who is based in New Zealand, shared a rant on Facebook calling out women who discriminate against fathers in changing rooms.
Her partner Tua had only been trying to help by taking their daughter Tahani to the bathroom – but he was asked to leave.
‘When he went to enter however a lady started yelling at him saying: “Um excuse me!!! You can’t go in there, there are mums in there!”.
‘Tua then had to leave to come and find me to change Hani’s nappy as all this time she was sitting in her poos!
Wriggling out of False Allegations???,, sounds wrong does’nt it??
Has any one got a GOOD ending story around this subject,,,’cause I could sure use one right now.
Something seems wrong about this proposed law change that will enable people to change their birth certificates to categorize them as whatever gender they ‘identify with’. No medical or Court involvement necessary. In addition there might be a change allowing parents to describe themselves according to their preference on their child’s birth certificate as either mother, father or parent.
We didn’t realize that this provision to choose your gender already exists for licences and passports.
Although something seems wrong about this we can’t really identify exactly what, or the implications for men and the men’s movement. Any thoughts?
We would have thought it more important first to repeal Section 17 of the Care of Children Act. An amended excerpt from our submission to the Human Rights Commission in 2015 explains: (more…)
How does a group become a minority group..and how do they change the way they are treated by society, the law and the other groups that our society is made up of???
Same sex people have done it, Women are doing it, Native birds are doing it, hell everyone that can is doing it.
Not “ME too” but “MEN too”, best not to ask The Don to speak though.
One would wonder, if there is a war going on here, and children are being used, whom is the protection for ?,, the child or the mother.
For myself the question to ask is who is getting hurt the most???
Dangerous Don,,, Canadian Far Right Speakers… who will put their neck out there next only to have it chopped off…
Mob mentality on the rise??
Upon leaving Lauren Southern said ” enjoy Shariah”… I looked it up and was astonished at the silent waves that have been crashing our shores…if this is not discrimination, if this is democracy???,
I am a little scared today.
I am not Racist, I like Don Brash, Don Brash is not racist, people out there just want problems to go away but no one is being forced to face certain realities..It is shameful for a culture to lay their problems on another, the shite family court system is awash with problems that have stemmed from vicious violences largely occuring in certain races,, but no one can speek so separatistly, the smacking bill was a good example of this.
I am a little afraid today.
Maybe we should lobby to have this Judge jump the ditch?
Mother jailed for hiding kids from their father for three
years despite custody agreement
By Kristian Silva
Updated Fri 3 Aug 2018, 7:47pm
A Brisbane mother has been jailed for 18 months after she abducted
her two children and went on the run for three years.
Supporters of the 49-year-old mother wept as she was taken into custody,
with Federal Circuit Court Justice Michael Jarrett ruling she had shown
“flagrant disregard” for a custody arrangement with her ex-husband.
The children’s 74-year-old grandmother, who has cancer, was also jailed
for a minimum of three months because she kept the location of her
daughter and grandchildren secret.
The children’s mother, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had
claimed her ex-husband was violent, abusing the children and threatening
her life.
But Justice Jarrett said he was “completely unsatisfied” that the mother had proven the allegations.
In 2014, after the Family Court ordered an even custody split between mother and father, the mother used a secret
network of helpers to escape Brisbane with the children and hide from authorities.
It is understood that with the help of the network they moved to several locations and were able to stay off the grid,
staying clear of using phones and bank accounts.
However, the Australian Federal Police located the mother and children north of Brisbane late last year, after they moved
into the grandmother’s home.
The children were returned to the father and continue to live with him.
PHOTO: The woman’s children were deprived of any chance to build a relationship with their father, Justice Jarrett said. (Supplied)
Children subjected to ‘trauma’
8/7/2018 Mother jailed for hiding kids from their father for three years despite custody agreement – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corpor…
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-08-03/mother-jailed-for-ignoring-custody-agreement-for-two-children/10071786 2/2
It is understood the mother was never charged with abduction or other criminal offences.
But on Friday she pleaded guilty to contempt of court for breaching the custody arrangement.
Justice Jarrett said the mother’s offending was “significant”.
“[The mother’s] non-compliance with the orders have deprived these children the
opportunity of developing their relationship with their other parent,” he said.
“Even more significant is trauma these children have been subjected to as a result of many shifts from residence to
Justice Jarrett said the mother had shown no remorse for her actions, and a fine was inappropriate given the “gravity of
He jailed her for 18 months and ordered her to serve the full sentence.
The children’s grandmother also pleaded guilty to contempt of court and was handed a six-month custodial sentence,
suspended after three months.
The court heard the grandmother had been ordered to provide any information about the whereabouts of her daughter
and the grandchildren, but harboured them for nearly six months without informing authorities.
Outside court, a lawyer for the women said they would not appeal the sentence.
In days of yesteryear one would more likely be on foot as there were less vehicles around; as I am today because some bastard stole my car, stole my car, stole my car … however some small compensation was passing this piece of street art nestled in a desperate-to-not-look-too-derelict street.
I almost missed this inspirational monument to us – my concentration was on this post – and excuse the pun but I did a double take when I clicked.
You’re probably thinking what I was. This is just another bomb site of civilization in the great suburbia of New Zealand’s decline. Any second thoughts were quickly erased when I looked at the small poster hidden at the bottom of the remnants of a hole in the wall.
As you look at the second picture – you’re starting to get it too? (more…)
They do exist, right?
Do they or is it just a social hangup men have where they are inclined to defend any female under attack?
I saw this comment on Menz the other day;
Nice to see a firmly grounded man deeply in touch with his inner feminist side.
Does this suggest (more…)
What is New Zealand’s Future?
I think we have been asking what the hell is going on for a long time now but it seems we have a new book exploring that question also.
I haven’t read it, so perhaps it’s asking different questions.
There is an interesting list of contributing authors shown on the front cover.
Penguin Books
Writers are: Dame Anne Salmond, Judge Andrew Becroft; Rod Oram; Jacinta Ruru; Felicity Goodyear-Smith; Tim Watkin; Patrick Reynolds; Jarrod Gilbert; Stuart McNaughton; David Brougham, Jarrod Haar & Yumiko Olliver-Gray; Golriz Ghahraman; Theresa Gattung; Peter O’Connor; and Leonie Freeman.
Looking forward to seeing comments on what concerns are expressed by this group of contributors.
Footnote: That’s not my thumb – mine is much better looking than that!
If you are LUCKY? enough to have a mortgage it will probably effect your sex life, if you do not have a mortgage it will probably effect your sex life..the hours we are working have gotten longer and the travel times extended..
Is making our ends meet stopping our meeting, ..
Some time ago an international survey looked at peoples of the world and how much sex they had on average, at that time Asians were said to have sex only 36 times a year, this was the lowest, I wonder where we are at now??
I know of quite a few young couples who have gone down the mortgage track, two of whom had to give it away to save their relationships.
Also Women choosing not to have a partner so instead they can receive or make more money that they then have complete control over how they go about spending it….Is money coming before sex?
The evolution of our new social system, woman first society, call it what you want – how would you describe it apart from a bloody great mess?
Amongst this are numerous new trends that older observers may be noticing.
One I’ve noted recently is the Thirty-Something-Girl.
Given the national shortage of men there has to a significant number of girls not in relationships, and they’re becoming more visible.
It’s also reflected in our dwindling reproduction rate, now somewhere below 1.9 in its continuing downward trend.
Education and employment is easily available to most girls who do want to work, so (more…)
This is a rather interesting case from the courts.
A 30 year old man, who has name surpression, decided to film an interaction with a prostitute.
He contacted the woman through a website which prohibits making video recordings.
While they were engaged in their sexual activity she spotted his cell phone and realised what he might be up to.
She seized his phone and (more…)
This is Paul, our rugged volunteer fire fighter, from the heartland, who might otherwise have been on one of those fire fighters’ calenders.
But, he’s been conned in to donning a donated dress to raise funds for Women’s Refuge.
I don’t want to embarrass Paul, he’s a nice guy, been through the mill, but mate, how did you end up here, and did you think we wouldn’t find out?
This breaking story and its ramifications will create a ripple through the family courts but will the outcome be positive for fathers? Only time will tell.
He (not his real name) was sitting in the kitchen. The closest chair to the door was turned around facing out into the courtyard.
He had a king pose going on, arms folded, knees apart, feet crossed, shadowed by the darkness of the room behind him.
And sunnies; those typical fail proof, close-knit eye hiders.
He made himself the kingpin of attention as everyone else went about their business.
It wouldn’t be until later that I realised I would be his target. (more…)
The woman’s view although they have had a liberated voice for a long time is often a little obscure.
It varies from here come those crazy bitches to vary degrees of nods or silence to may God help you … (I do recall that last one being as recent as last year, whoever the kind soul was who took pity on us).
Every now and again there’s (more…)
If you’re out there at the coal face, no doubt you can smell the campaign fires burning. We’re seeing the smoke signals waving to each other through our technology.
Fifteen 15 years ago Jan Doogue described the court she had been part of as a failed experiment. It’s struggled from crisis to crisis ever since.
The current crisis, (more…)
An honest question that I hope will create some discussion. Is society’s failure of boys is evidence of sexism against males?
If boys are so easy to raise, why are we so shit at it?
If as I suspect they require the same attention girls do, does the fact we give them less reflect the value we place upon them?
The misuse of female sexual power is seldom discussed, or even acknowledged. Here is an exception: On Toxic Femininity written by Heather E. Heying, published in Quillette.
For the average bloke it’s about the monkey on your back and how to get rid of it.
When it comes to making some sense of Feminism perhaps the first reasonable answer that identifies with your circumstances and the way it has affected you is sufficient.
But when it comes to change within Feminism (more…)
Phil and Anthony Butler and their x-ray machine MARZ… wowee.
New Story Here
What has happened here is a bunch of woman thought they would arrange a protest and somehow engineer Dame Margaret Bazley to investigate and write a review on the conduct of two unnamed lawyers and shame a legal firm for having boozy parties. It turns out to what appears to be at the minor end of sexual misconduct. i.e. drunk, groping, trying to kiss a woman and at a later time acting in a sexually inappropriate way. I note the two lawyers in question deny the allegations.
Steph Dyhrberg goes on camera claiming it was allegations of serial predator, sexual assaults and it was really serious stuff.
In my view Steph Dyhrberg clearly can’t tell the difference between what is serious stuff and what isn’t. Steph Dyhrberg seemed surprised when the two lawyers were deemed fit and proper and issued with there practice certificates. Former lawyer Olivia Wensley believes the law society was just looking after its own.
Steph Dyhrberg said that if there was misconduct then the accused lawyer should do something to change and Dame Margaret Bazley has come up with a real blue print for change.
I am completely in the law societys corner on this one. You only have criminal history when a judge or jury says so. Not when a self appointed bunch of old woman want to make up a process of their own.
In my view the complainant if she though she was harmed and not a willing participant in the moment should have gone to the police and the matter be investigated, charges laid if necessary. And the two lawyers should have enjoyed the process of innocent until proven guilty.
I encourage people who don’t normally comment to put their view forward here.
It seems Radio NZ is happy to give their support to radical feminist and man hater Clementine Ford (http://antifeminismaustralia.com/clementine-ford-man-bashing-quotes/).
The RNZ discussion gives her free forum and unchallenged air time to promote her new man bashing book, and her feminist assertions that toxic masculinity is rife. It can be found at https://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/afternoons/audio/2018653006/clementine-ford-on-the-continuing-battle-for-gender-equality
Anyone in media will know who this woman is and what man hating ideology she represents, so it clearly shows RNZ is fine with such misandrist views and promoting it to the unknowing general public.