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MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Fri 19th January 2018

Pregnant Primeminister

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 12:50 pm

Well, there’s bound to be a few opinions on this one.

You can’t miss the news.

Thu 11th January 2018

Glitter Boobs and Feminist Hypocrisy Regarding Violence

Filed under: Gender Politics,General,Law & Courts,White Ribbon Campaign — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 11:38 am

The ‘Glitter Boobs’ story from the Gisborne ‘Rhythm and Vines’ music festival has been an international hit and our NZ Herald has published numerous articles on it, giving uncritical voice to Madeline Anello-Kitzmiller, Kiri-Ann Hatfield and Katie Ashworth and misrepresenting the events significantly. A bystander’s video recording showed Anello-Kitzmiller walking through the crowd with her bare breasts having been decorated around the nipples with glittery body paint when a man runs up behind her and apparently touches her. The exact nature of the touching is unclear but it was very quick and did not look as though he “grabbed at her” or “grabbed her breast” as claimed by the Herald. It wasn’t even clear whether there had been any contact with the breast, and looked more like a quick, light touch done playfully.

Of course, touching someone without their consent can amount to assault and the women are entitled to object to this. However, in none of the coverage we read was there any criticism of the women’s reaction. Anello-Kitzmiller and Hatfield ran after the man, struck him four times around the head and poured something over his head. The Herald claimed that Anello-Kitzmiller ‘slapped’ the man but that misrepresented the violent nature of her assault. It was retributive violence but the women and their supporters including the Herald appear to believe such violence was perfectly ok. What a blatant example of femaleist self-entitlement and hypocrisy! (more…)

Sun 7th January 2018

Cooperation Among Men?

Filed under: Gender Politics,Law & Courts — MurrayBacon @ 10:09 am

Occasionally I wonder if there might be some lack of unity among men in NZ, with respect to protecting their collective interests?
By querying that, I am not implying that men should “fight” against women as a total group. (We would lose if we tried, due to the large amount of fraternising with the enemy.)
I see it as working together might yield a much larger pie, not a zero sum game.
Anyway, the majority of NZers do work together, happily and successfully.
It is the fairly large minority, who have serious mental health problems, who are unable to cooperate and enjoy the best that nature can offer all of us. (Like myself, of course.) These same mental health problems impact onto children of separated parents. Despite the words of the Care of Children Act 2004, the management by familycaught$ often enhances these problems’ negative impacts onto children, to maximise legal worker’s paramount financial interests.
Of course The Family Mangle works so that it only takes one party to sustain a legal action through the caught$, or put more basically, only one party needs to have stability or at times mental health issues, to drag the other into that game. (Not even a zero sum game, but more like dead loss game.)
If men were to take longer than women took to get the women’s movement together, then men would have to be a bit stupid?
Especially as we have available on a plate, the methods that the women’s movement used, to bring women together and create mutual understanding.
Consciousness Raising from Wikipedia
Reading that article, reinforces that our unity and mutual understanding have gone backwards, in the last 10 years.
In my opinion, we need to understand the problems that give us heartbreak and identify constructive options for solving them. These solutions must be sensibly attractive to women too, or they will remain unimplemented ideas.
Some of the suggestions that have been made about child custody dispute management by the men’s movement, are now being tidily documented in textbooks, by respected UK and USA academics. With driving these ideas through familycaught$, maybe fathers could actually act to protect our children? Constructive change might be in the wind? doG, I hope so!
So, I suggest less infighting and more mutual discussion and support of initiatives.

Tue 2nd January 2018

Miscariage of justice? My story.

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics,Law & Courts — TKnudsen @ 3:21 pm

Hi there. My name is Thomas Francis Knudsen. I took a plea deal after 13 months of maintaining a not guilty plea.

The straw that broke the camels back was that I ended up in Wellington prison among some unsavory characters where I was threatened with getting beaten up almost immediately upon arrival from a transfer from prison in Christchurch (it was OK in Christchurch). The cruelest irony of this was that I was imprisoned for calling the police after my accuser said she was sorry and was going to kill herself.

My appearance in court for which I was remanded, the crown prosecutor painted a picture of me that was nonsense and also claimed someone called the police, rather than me. I don’t get why they do things like this. I barely got time to talk with my lawyer beforehand and he didn’t know to rebut what was said, I didn’t get an opportunity to put forward my side to the judge. I was remanded abruptly.

The media upon sentencing reported the claims of the police as fact even though the judge had acknowledged problems with the claims, not one mention of that made it in the report. I have tried to get them to amend the report and requested they look at the transcript for themselves. They refused, even saying it’s not their job to verify the police claims…

To put it blunt. I was assaulted on the night of my arrest, told to kill myself and prevented from leaving. My accuser embellished the truth with numerous lies, for which I sadly believe her motive was to create a scenario in which her previous ex would be there for her. There’s multiple things that suggest that was the case.

The police made matters much worse by asserting things to be true which they could have easily proven false, making me think they were incompetent or complicit in doing everything they could to increase likelihood of conviction, in order for them to make the claims they did, something majorly wrong has occurred. They put out a number of documents, one comically titled “summary of facts” which was almost entirely nonfactual. Some of which is easily provable so and I know if it was further investigated, there would be a lot of questions to be asked of my accuser and the police. It appears police jumped to the conclusion of guilt and tried to make things fit even though they didn’t. Rather than admit things don’t add up and question my accuser, they doubled down.

If you Google my name to see the reports made about me, you’ll understand my frustration at what has occurred. Knowing it’s not true has not helped me, it’s arguably made it much worse. I don’t know what to do, I’m broken and disheartened that this could happen. It has opened my eyes up to a justice system that has been failing so many.

Had my lawyer informed me what might happen in regards to the media reporting inaccurate police claims as fact. I’d have never taken a plea deal, even if it meant getting beaten by the two gangs I was put in prison with in Wellington.

Also my lawyer said that a stopping violence intiative started the day before my arrest, whether that affected the police to get this wrong, I don’t know.

I’d appreciate anything constructive. Questions, criticisms, advice, the works.

Thank you for your time

Thu 28th December 2017

Christmas Eves-Dropping

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:36 am

I like to pay attention and be observant of the public picture, always looking for a story, and I have one I think is worth sharing.

Supermarkets along with other industries help paint a social picture and this was the backdrop on this occasion … (more…)

Sat 16th December 2017

Christmas Day Event – (get your tickets ASAP)

Filed under: Events — Julie @ 10:46 pm
    WHAT: Christmas Day Event (open to ALL)
    WHERE: Viaduct Events Centre -161 Halsey Street, Westhaven. Auckland
    WHEN: Monday 25th December 2017 – 11.30am – 2.30pm

To obtain tickets, phone the City Mission ASAP on (09) 303 9200 from 7am on weekdays. If you are too late, don’t worry – we can cover you.

Parking is FREE in the city on Xmas Day

The Auckland City Mission organizes this event that began as a lunch 4 the homeless using Auckland’s town hall and turned into an Auckland event for ALL as it grew in attendance and support.

Its a memorable experience from the moment you walk in the doors and is a must to attend at least once.

Roughly 2,500 people are served lunch by 100’s of volunteers while entertainers sing and dance on stage or walk around like Mr and Mrs Santa. At the end, everyone gets a worthwhile gift.


Let me know if you are interested so we can sit together, which makes it even more enjoyable.

As soon as you arrive at the venue, text or phone 027 250 9751 so you’ll join us in the line and take up one of the tables we fill.

Afterwards, we go to Mission Bay, if you like, so the kids can swim while you’ll mingle with others just like you.

PS – If you are alone 4 Xmas Day, still come.

Julie- [email protected] or 027 250 9751

Tue 12th December 2017

Scott v Williams

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:57 am

Supreme court divorce case.

Contributors with analysis or opinion please comment, and if possible provide relevant links.

Wed 6th December 2017

Dads On The Air

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 1:57 pm

Many years back I was in contact with a variety of groups focused on men’s issues across the ditch, or our kwaussie cussies, however you like to discribe them.

It was interesting to get an email on the progress with … Dads On The Air …

The link will take you to their website.

There may be other Australian groups you are familiar with that you’re in contact with.

Elder Abuse – the new suicide

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 12:10 pm

As the numbers climbed in the suicide statistics, the information dried up, the the system shut up, the media was gaged under the pretext that talking about the issue would cause copycat fatalities and unnecessary deaths, and for decades a few – at least a few us – fought against a determined administration that did not want to confront the issue … and when we did start to open the discussion there was a determined effort and the political will to find some advantage for women, and divert the funding sources away from the most affected male group of fatalities.

I am sure most readers will be aware of the numbers of aged we have now as a result of the post war baby boom years (1945 to the mid 1960s) that often feature in retirement-age discussions. Recently we have seen the sharp end of the ‘Elder Abuse’ issue through court cases featuring neglect and financial misappropriation by family members.

Am I the only one that notices (more…)

Sun 3rd December 2017

Sexism in Unemployment

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 12:27 pm

It is not unusual to see debates raging over female employment, especially when it comes to the higher-end income packages and any perception of a barrier to these being available on demand to at least the minimum 50% gender quota, which without justification excludes, those candidates hoping to qualify by self-entitlement to positions, that don’t actually exist – income redistribution by the demands of gender. Is that sexism or just warped commerce?

Fri 1st December 2017

Check out this gender imbalance in Dept of Corrections

Filed under: Gender Politics,General,Law & Courts — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 9:45 am

We came across this web page with a video clip for recruiting psychologists to the Dept of Corrections. It involves only female psychologists and shows them working with all male clients. It shows two females running a group, presumably in prison, with all males.

We don’t think this is ok.

Tue 28th November 2017

No doubt there will be an Appeal …..

Filed under: General — golfa @ 11:44 am,tsf

Mon 27th November 2017

The Gang of Women Who Marry and Kill

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 11:18 pm

These women should move to NZ where they would be treated by our male-hating feminists as brave crusaders leading the charge to make the murder of men by women legal. They won’t need any gang to commit the murders here, just do it themselves then claim they were abused by the dead men. They will at least get the dead men’s estates. Yeah, go girls and keep telling us how violent men are, and wear your white ribbons proudly.

Sat 25th November 2017

Only a Male Dead So Let’s Not Get Too Fussed

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 10:26 am

These teenage students brutally bashed another male student who died. The Crown decided it was no big deal and reduced charges to Common Assault following which the Court discharged them without conviction and ordered permanent name suppression.

Lucky for these offenders they didn’t (gasp) gently touch a female without her clear consent. Now that would have been a real crime causing true harm! They would have been convicted, given a punitive sentence, forced to submit to ‘treatment’ involving copious feminist indoctrination, and placed on a sex offenders register so they could be discriminated against for many years later. Isn’t it reassuring that we have our priorities right now.

Fri 24th November 2017

Protest Today Against Family Court Judge

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 10:03 am

Today (Friday 24 November) at 4:30pm there will be a ‘Bothering’ protest at 223 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna, directed towards a Judge who has a record of alienating fathers from their children. An invitation is made to anyone who wishes to join this protest.

Survey on Australian Management of So-Called ‘Child Support’

Filed under: Child Support — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 9:47 am

Anyone experiencing or associated with the Australian so-called ‘child support’ system is invited to complete this survey we came across, conducted by Child Support NZ – Paying Parents Support.

Thu 23rd November 2017

Tony Veitch – Don’t Give Up!! I Support You !!!

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 7:53 pm

A few days ago Tony Veitch was the victim of a couple of female news reporters who voiced their own opinion re how upset they were about Tony getting a new Job at Sky TV.

These woman reporters forgot to report how much money Tony paid his ex girlfriend for compensation. They did not report what his ex girlfriends behavior was like that lead to him losing it. Therefore I see it as an unbalanced report because you did not report everything for viewers to make up their own minds. And on that point you never gave the readers an opportunity for comments. And even if you did you won’t publish this sort of comment just because it is against your opinion.

The sole reason for reporting in such a way was to have him fired from his new job at Sky TV or force him to resign. Today Tony resigned. Probably forced to.

How nasty can you get. The man was sentenced, he paid for his behavior. It would of taken great courage for him to get back into sports media. So you decided you would arrange things so he lost his job. The way forward is to help people manage their anger problems and not to boot them around until they are road kill. Especially when so much time has passed.


Tony Veitch is a human being and you are nasty and manipulative reporter to someone who is just trying to redeem himself.

And as for you SKY TV. You needn’t think you have rescued your failing business model by stepping on Tony. Netflix USA and other have taken over. All you have to offer is now sports. And that looks like you are losing that to new medias that operate on the internet.

I call on all remaining users of Sky TV to dump them. I think all shareholders of Sky TV should get out before Sky goes the same way as video rental stores.

Wed 22nd November 2017

appeals – info

Filed under: Law & Courts — JustCurious @ 5:47 pm

I want to learn about appeals from family court.
Hope it can be of service to others.

Any experience or links to info welcome.

Many please and in thanks of you

Sun 19th November 2017

Landmark Win for Men’s Rights

Filed under: Gender Politics,General,Law & Courts — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 5:27 pm

Organizers of the Men’s Summit 2017 have reached a settlement after Mirimar Links Conference Centre cancelled the use of their venue in April at short notice on the grounds of feeling “uncomfortable” with men’s issues. The Human Rights Commission mediated the settlement and according to the Men’s Summit team this was the first time the Commission had supported a men’s group in applying the law to protect men and not only women from gender discrimination. (more…)

Fri 17th November 2017

Forced to allow ex access despite DV charges.

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Law & Courts — never give up @ 8:19 am

Please help, my daughter is being forced to unsafe and abusive visits with my ex.
My daughter is 11 and lives with my partner and I full-time.
The Interim Parenting Order states my ex is allowed supervised visits only.
This is because my ex wilfully breached a trespass order and attacked me.
My ex was arrested and faces two charges of wilful trespass and common assault with a weapon all witnessed by my daughter.
During recent court ordered overnight visits the supervisor has broken her court promises and left my daughter alone repeatedly with my ex
and my ex has broken the court order not to discuss any court proceedings by bombarding my daughter with statements attempting to
change her mind about what happened
My daughter does not want to see my ex as ordered.
LFC interviewed my daughter and misrepresented her wishes resulting in the overnight stays. An attempt to correct this resulted in further more serious mistakes.
She has contacted LFC with her concerns and stating her wishes but LFC is refusing to act.
My daughter has requested LFC be replaced but this has been ignored and the LFC has told my daughter she must obey the Judge and she also said not to use email in future to ‘avoid confusion’.
The supervisor is my ex partner’s current partner’s Mother!
Despite my strong protest that ‘i do not agree, she is not known to me, she is not neutral’ in court the judge ‘made a ruling’ and declared the ‘mother in law’ suitable as a supervisor.
I suggested several other suitable candidates but my ex disagreed to them.
I even suggested Bernado’s etc and offered to pay if this was a concern, all ignored by the judge.
I have complained for three weeks following the Family Court website suggestions and have not yet had one single reply.
My daughter gets very upset days prior to her forced visits with my ex.
I want the visits to stop in accordance with her wishes.
I want the visits to stop because of the multiple breaches of the court order.
How can I achieve this and prevent my daughter from being exposed to further abuse and an unsafe environment?

Thu 16th November 2017


Filed under: General — Downunder @ 5:09 pm

Is consent a political diversion?

I offer my seed without reason

I offer my egg without justification

What are your thoughts?

Matrimonial Property Act Review for changes.

Filed under: Law & Courts — never give up @ 9:28 am

-Are you happy with the current division of property?

-Will a proposal to make family violence a penalty in property division increase false accusations?

-Would mental abuse also count?

-Should property be divided according to who cares for the children, not 50/50?

-How can the Family Court speed up decisions?

-What happens if one parent lies and deliberately hampers procedures?

-What happens if the occupant of the home somehow delays the sale?

-Is the co-habitation period before a 50/50 split too short?

Meeting Tomorrow 12.00 noon. “Property Act Review”. 11 Inverell Avenue, near Totara Heights.

Mon 13th November 2017

Canada’s Prime Minister & Chief Feminist Justin Trudeau to visit NZ

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 7:39 pm

Jacinda Ardern has invited Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to visit New Zealand where they will discuss “redeveloping a feminist international development policy”, among other subjects.

See here

Justin Trudeau is responsible for introducing new sex assault bills that stops evidence that proves consent for sex was given. In Canada any photo or video text, any communication both before, during and after the alleged assault can be barred from a trial. It is better explained here in this video.

My only hope is Winston Peters won’t support such an insane law that removes almost any possible defense to an allegation.

Previous posted here

Labour says a rape victim should be believed as a starting point.

Thu 2nd November 2017

In a Parallel Universe

Filed under: General — triassic @ 7:05 pm

What may have been published if the gender was different in this Herald Story: Family of schoolboy injured in dirt bike prank don’t want charges laid

Mon 30th October 2017

Modern Times: Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson

Filed under: Gender Politics — JohnPotter @ 6:38 pm

Dr. Jordan B Peterson is a professor and clinical psychologist at the University of Toronto. In this video titled Modern Times, he has a discussion with well-known American intellectual and social critic Dr. Camille Paglia. Although she is a committed equity feminist, she firmly opposes the victim/oppressor narrative that dominates much of modern American and British feminism.

They talk about the alliance between Marxists and post-modernists which currently dominate much of academia. If you only have a vague idea about what these ‘isims are about and want to know more, this is a good introduction. (more…)

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