MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Archive of Law & Courts

The Junk Science That Gets Parents Convicted of Murder

Mon 24th March 2025:

Although [Louise] Woodward’s case put a spotlight on the questionable science behind shaken baby syndrome, today, mothers, fathers, and caregivers are still being prosecuted for it. It is estimated that over the decades thousands have been accused, and many convicted, of harming or killing a child by shaking.

Broken Bonds: One of hundreds and thousands of untold Stories of the Family Court Injustice in New Zealand

Sat 10th February 2024:

Broken Bonds: One of hundreds and thousands of untold Stories of the Family Court Injustice in New Zealand – NZ Family Court Watchdog Community Group   Broken Bonds: One of hundreds and thousands of untold Stories of the Family Court Injustice in New Zealand Adminman38 Mins Ago215 Mins The story is based on True events. […]

Lawyer: if you have a penis, then you will lose in Family Court

Thu 23rd November 2023:

First published NZ Herald, 22 November 2023 By Jeremy Wilkinson Lawyer’s comments about judge land him before tribunal A lawyer called a judge an “ignorant woman” in a 10-page memorandum filed to the Family Court and referred to it as a “vagina court” during a custody battle with his ex-wife. The man has also accused […]

Survival Guide

Sun 18th December 2022:

FamilyCourtSurvivalGuide I haven’t read the book. Description Courtesy of Whitcoulls: Dealing with a relationship breakdown, custody dispute or other family or whanau crisis can be an overwhelming, emotional and stressful experience. The last thing you need is to be thrust into the unfamiliar territory of the family court system without a clue about how to […]

Pedophilia II

Mon 4th April 2022:


Weaponizing our criminal justice system against men

Tue 29th June 2021:

Bettina Arndt’s latest newsletter reports on a presentation by prominent Sydney barrister Margaret Cunneen. She was speaking at The Presumption of Guilt Conference run by the Rule of Law Education Centre in Australia. Her online presentation focussed on the impact of the new sexual consent laws that Attorney General Mark Speakman aims to ram through […]

Surviving a Sexual Prosecution in 21st Century Salem

Criminal defence lawyer Samira Taghavi has published an article on The Daily Blog, outlining the concerns about the proposed Sexual Violence Bill felt by many in the legal profession. She writes: Instead of respect for science, common sense and the presumption of innocence, we are in an unhappy age of Salem witch-trial-style hysteria that has […]

New Family Court (Supporting Children in Court) Legislation Bill – Now only one reading away from becoming law.

Tue 22nd June 2021:

In a lot of cases children who want to see dad, they will have their say. That being said, lets get down to the real world. The worlds most cunning animal is the human. To head the above scenario off, a woman need only alienate the child before lawyer for child gets to interview the […]

Nurit Zubery wrote a thesis on the impacts of men during and after divorce.

Mon 12th April 2021:

Interview on RNZ: Nurit Zubery is a NZ feminist who is clearly not one of the man-hating variety. She wrote a thesis on the impacts of men during and after divorce. She says there was very little world research on the impact of men divorcing. This is part of what she reported in her thesis. […]

Dad’s story – Victim of DV !!

Tue 30th March 2021:

Judge’s minutes >!Ah4Km37emibr2CoH9rEZMhIVHilf The NO-MAN land ! Biased and discriminatory system – read the minutes of the impartial fair Judge !!Ah4Km37emibr2CoH9rEZMhIVHilf A dad’s story (Victim of Domestic Violence) – Mum misled immigration and couple of weeks after she was granted NZ residency, 👉 Mum was charged “assault on a family member” + ” […]

NZ Menz Summit 2020

Sat 14th March 2020:

The 2020 Men’s Summit is planned to be held on Friday 3rd July in Hamilton at the Glenview Club, 211 Peacocks Road, Hamilton, NZ. It had been planned for April but organizers don’t want to contribute to any possible spreading of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID 19 disease. Also, international speakers would be unable […]

how to proceed with my case ?

Wed 26th February 2020:

this started off with a without notice application based on violence and drug use also citing child neglect and untidy living conditions (majorly played up for maximum effect) i held onto my daughter for a week over our informal arrangements due to being threatened to never see her again, police did an uplift after an […]

False MAF charge aftermath

Tue 24th December 2019:

Having spent 3 years in a relationship with someone (and having a child together) only to find that you have been accused of assault after separation can be rough. Having met my ex-partner while working as a teacher, we fell in love very quickly. The relationship was a wirlwind of ups and downs but that’s […]

Reconciliation after seperation

Sun 15th December 2019:

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has experience with reconciling with their wife after seperation – following involvement with Oranga Tamariki (now discharged) and where the Father has full custody and a parental order for the Mother’s contact? I’m wondering where to from here and if it’s feasible from a judge and lawyer for […]

Important Petitions to Sign

Thu 21st November 2019:

Hey Folks, we just launched some petitions on the parliament website a couple of days ago. Could you please sign them and share them with other people ……. Much appreciated! Links below … Petition 1 : Sanctions on parents who misuse Family Court procedures Petition 2 : Default 50/50 shared care for children after parental […]

Peter Ellis gets another appeal

Thu 1st August 2019:

Felicity was interviewed on Morning Report today about the forthcoming appeal by Peter Ellis. She says: “Basing a conviction purely on a child’s testimony, particularly when there has been a number of suggestive interviews that have taken place, is incredibly unsafe…not just for the person who gets wrongly convicted – it is incredibly damaging for […]

Ministry for Men


Law In A Nutshell LIAN course

Mon 29th April 2019:

Message from The Mangere Community Law Centre who are inviting you to register for the Law In A Nutshell (LIAN) programme. Spaces are limited so please register. You are more than welcome to attend the sessions that are relevant to your line of work. This is a basic introduction to law. This programme is designed […]

The Christchurch Mosque Massacre and Gun Laws

Sun 17th March 2019:

Some comment is deserved following the horrific Christchurch attack last Friday. Our deep sorrow and sympathy go out to those injured, the families of those killed and all others traumatized in ripple effect.


Fri 15th March 2019:

Facilitated by Frank Hicks, Self Litigant and Parental Disputes Coach and Cheryl Simpson, Senior Associate Lawyer. WORKSHOP: Rangitoto #04SLNG DATE: Saturday 13 April 2019 TIME: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm ADDRESS: 2 Osterley Way, Manukau, Auckland VENUE: Ngahere Commumities CONTACT: [email protected] for registration form COST: Admission by Koha Light refreshments provided for Morning and Afternoon […]

How to scam the NZ immigration system if you are a woman

Mon 18th February 2019:

A letter via the MENZ contact form. A lesson on how to use WordPress anonymously is probably not what this man needs right now, so I’m posting this on his behalf in the hope he might gain some useful response. His letter is one of the clearest expositions of how women on temporary visas are […]

Grace Millane Tragedy Exploited by Feminists

Sat 15th December 2018:

Our heartfelt empathy goes out to the family and associates of Grace Millane. Losing one’s child must be one of the most traumatic experiences humans can face. The unpleasant circumstances of Grace’s case can only serve to increase the pain and devastation. Much of the NZ population has experienced deep sadness, shame and anger. Grace […]

Gender War Newsreel December 2018

Fri 7th December 2018:

Whenever you look you will find in the news media many examples of discrimination against men. Let’s look at some recent ones.

Ardern and Little Don’t Want to be Unfair

Sat 24th November 2018:

Aw, isn’t that nice, our government doesn’t want to be unfair! Of course, that doesn’t apply to any of the many men treated unfairly on the basis of false allegations especially in the Family Court, or the many men whose hard-earned assets are plundered courtesy of our ‘relationship property’ law, or the many men having […]

‘Snapped’ tv series worth a watch

Sun 18th November 2018:

‘Snapped’ is an interesting tv series shown on the free-to-air ‘Bravo’ channel. Although suffering from American production style with too much repetition, it’s quite well done in general, not too hyped up, very factual, including real footage of police interviews and detailed descriptions of the police investigations and evidential developments. The series focuses on murders […]

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