I can’t imagine what life might have been like without my father in my life.
I certainly can’t imagine life with just my mother.
My Father:..strong, reliable, busy, had a lot of friends, stalwart of a community, farmer, cop, publican, fencer, not the hobbyist guy..good with his hands,..no, but the range of his skills was quite amazing.
My Mother:..caring and loving, busy and the household seemed to run itself, amazing household skills, animal husbandry, butter maker baker and cook, clothing manufacturer for the family, charity worker, lovely lady, lovely Mother.
Together they achieved much, separately nigh on impossible.
We talk so about the effect of Fatherless Boys.
What about the Fatherless Girls?
My Granddaughter is out there without a Dad. I wonder if she is okay.
Do I consider her situation stable, I can not say I do, I wonder if she is okay.
A ‘Lawyer for the Child’ told us of the statistics and that if she did not have her Father in her life, then that may well lead her down the track of looking for a Father Figure, setting her up for teenage pregnancy, but apparently I don’t have to Clementinewell worry ’bout that.
Are the Girls OKAY?