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MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Tue 26th February 2019


Filed under: General — Downunder @ 10:16 am

Recently I wrote this post on the rising Homeless.

It only took a few days and I was standing by my vehicle when a security guard drove slowly past me, leaning out the window, yelling in a very sarcastically polite voice, “Hello. How are you today.”

Didn’t take long to join the dots, did it, and the news to get back to me but that’s small minded New Zealand, at its best.

More recently the news broke, (more…)

Thu 21st February 2019

Update on Identity Politics

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:29 am

Identity Politics. I can’t remember where I first encountered this but regardless I’ve always been a bit ho-hum, disinterested, who can be bothered with that stuff. And I’m sure a lot of us feel the same – can’t we just have our live’s back. And then there’s another lot of us who get all technical and boring and it takes a lot of effort to make sense of what we’re on about.

I’m going to do the impossible (more…)

Tue 19th February 2019

Concerning Stuff

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:54 am

Haven’t we all been concerned about Stuff, the news site, Stuff, that is?

Or frustrated, annoyed, at the very least?

We’ve even had few scraps here about how to confront the beast.

About 15 years ago I was sitting in a café in Ponsonby discussing (more…)

Mon 18th February 2019

How to scam the NZ immigration system if you are a woman

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics,Law & Courts — JohnPotter @ 8:43 pm

A letter via the MENZ contact form. A lesson on how to use WordPress anonymously is probably not what this man needs right now, so I’m posting this on his behalf in the hope he might gain some useful response.

His letter is one of the clearest expositions of how women on temporary visas are recruited and supported to scam the immigration system by using Domestic Violence Act as a weapon against fathers.

This guy made at least two very bad decisions; firstly to respond to his wife’s provocations with violence, and secondly to threaten to kill himself with a knife when faced with arrest. But is this a sufficient reason for a little girl to loose her father forever, which I predict is the most likely outcome of this case?

I’ve added paragraphs to make it more readable, and [redacted] anything that might identify him. Otherwise the words are his.

Fri 15th February 2019

Jordan Peterson changes lives for the better

Filed under: General — triassic @ 10:36 pm

I recently happened to meet a 23-year-old Canadian girl who is visiting New Zealand so I asked her if she knew the Canadian, Jordan Peterson. She said she not only knew of him but had been viewing his videos on YouTube as well as reading his book ‘12 Rules For Life’. (more…)

Thu 14th February 2019

Next Generation Window Sticker

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:05 am

This is doing the rounds on social media and I see the question asked; could it just as easily relate to New Zealand?

Could you see the same sticker on Conservative Party vehicles at the next election?

That aside (more…)

Wed 13th February 2019

Professor Jordan Peterson in NZ

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 9:06 pm

I have to put this one forward.

A shameful performance from Iris Krzyzosiak, a representative of Auckland Peace Action when Mr Sean Plunket interviews him.

Interview link click here.

Tue 12th February 2019

Paypigs Pay-Pigs or Pay Pigs?

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 10:47 am

Have you heard of Paypigs?

Don’t worry, neither had I but there it was out of the mouths of babe’s … well more like early to mid twenties girls. You could imagine the outcry if it was boys calling girls something along the same lines. It didn’t take too much to gather from the conversation what this hinted at.

As you know, (more…)

Mon 28th January 2019

Family Violence Act 2018 and Information Sharing

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 10:56 am

The Family Violence Act 2018 is due to come into force in July. Information sharing is but one part of this law that further abandons fundamental principles of justice and civil rights in favour of feminist ideology and aspirations towards total control over men. Men’s supporters’ submissions were mostly ignored in the creation of this dangerous review of the law. (more…)

Mon 21st January 2019

A Homeless Report – NZ Style

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 12:18 pm

When the Mayor of Auckland started the Mother-of-all Homeless-count during 2018, it followed along the lines of our historical perceptions – the old men and the occasional woman sleeping rough, usually with an alcohol problem and not keen on any help from the Salvation Army or these days a drug and alcohol rehabilitation programme.

We had a post here for followers to comment on (back in August) although this did not attract a great number of informative comments.

Amongst the modern homeless and less inclined to be referenced by politicians and media is a grey area between a home and the street (that which family and friends call a couch or a garage, a helping hand, an obligation to their own) where a growing number of people whether by choice or otherwise exist in a less acknowledged sector of society.

This particular report relates specifically to (more…)

Tue 15th January 2019

Campaigning for Mens’ Rights

Filed under: General — mama @ 1:00 pm

Surely it is time for a political party to stand for Men.
Surely the Women of such a party would like their Men.
Since when did politics play nice and fair.
Since when was there a party that did not Dare.

..and Discrimination has already been played and played hard,
now it is time to even the score and use discrimination once more.

Just like in the recent Triassic post the tides are turning,
could we ask for more?

Wed 9th January 2019

Avoid Women at all Costs

Filed under: General — triassic @ 10:14 pm

This article illustrates the inevitable outcome of the empathetic nonsense that the #metoo was based on. With more women gaining political power comes the danger of policies based on empathy rather than compassionate reasoning. A 1995 study in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology showed that women involuntarily imitate other peoples’ emotional expressions more than men. This may give them a proclivity to act in ways that are not conducive to the betterment of society. Paul Bloom’s book, Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion, sets out a good case against viewing empathy as a virtue. Empathy and compassion are not synonymous and it’s very important to understand the difference. Listen here for his discussion with #56 Sam Harris – Abusing Dolores. And here #14 — The Virtues of Cold Blood. on this subject.

A New Year Surprise

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 10:48 am

This is published

Written by; Serafin Dillon (Couples and Family Therapist for Walk the Talk in Nelson)

You may not agree with its entirety and contructive comments I am sure, will attract some interest.

OPINION: Violence, in all its forms, is abhorrent, however, men alone cannot stop violence against women and men alone cannot stop what they cannot see. If it were that simple, we would not be in this position as a nation. 

Thu 27th December 2018

This May or May not be A Stick

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 8:06 am

The Stick.

It’s been a bit quiet on the post front lately and not wanting anyone to suffer confrontation withdrawal syndrome here is something to keep you occupied until the New Year.

On, the other hand, you may wish to take this post seriously and discuss the reasons for arguments and how this might be improved.

Sat 22nd December 2018

Meanwhile Men are doing the Business…

Filed under: General — mama @ 11:12 am

Massive movements are being made and Men are going ahead in the field of alternative vehicles.

We only hear about Tesla really but it is starting to rev up out there.

Could it be that Men are still doing the business and are still by their mere nature of brain and brawn striving to make better what they made previously.
But of course.
What do you know…..,,,reliance, resilience, resounding resource will always come from Man.

But of course even new smart technologies come with great cost, financially absolutely, but we must still mine our asses off to get these new technologies.
Saving the earth? triggering an earthquake, I had suspected but only recently found out that mining can in fact trigger these. So what can humanity do?, stop in its tracks?
No we will go where the money goes,, so for those of us that do not want a bar of that no more, well we can still almost do what we want and take only what we need, lie low and stand tall just being HUMAN, just as human as you want to be.

Sat 15th December 2018

Grace Millane Tragedy Exploited by Feminists

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics,General,Law & Courts,White Ribbon Campaign — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 1:27 pm

Our heartfelt empathy goes out to the family and associates of Grace Millane. Losing one’s child must be one of the most traumatic experiences humans can face. The unpleasant circumstances of Grace’s case can only serve to increase the pain and devastation.

Much of the NZ population has experienced deep sadness, shame and anger. Grace died in NZ when she should have enjoyed her travels. A representative of NZ has been charged with her murder.

The Ministry of Men’s Affairs would rather not discuss this case at this time. It seems insensitive to do so. However, male-denigrating people have shown no such restraint and some response is necessary. (more…)

Fri 7th December 2018

Gender War Newsreel December 2018

Filed under: Gender Politics,General,Law & Courts — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 9:22 am

Whenever you look you will find in the news media many examples of discrimination against men. Let’s look at some recent ones. (more…)

Sat 1st December 2018

Snoopy’s Day

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 12:26 pm

Look, there’s got to be something better to do than whipping each other with one-eyed feminists.

Thank God it’s the 1st December and we can all pull out our treasured version of Snoopy’s Xmas

If you haven’t got your own, hit the link and enjoy a YouTube treasure.
[With lyrics]

“With Snoopy dead in his sights
He pulled the trigger up tight
Why he didn’t shoot
Well, we’ll never know
Or, was it the (Xmas) bells
From the village below?”

It’s an interesting storyline … Honourable gentlemen who put their differences aside for Christmas?

What’s your take on it?

But, when it comes to Christmas have you got one of those one-eyed feminists who wants to use the children to whip you at Christmas time?

You know the sort? (more…)

Fri 30th November 2018

Movember 60km challenge

Filed under: General — Hugin @ 5:01 pm

Got it done. 62.4km.
Last run dedicated to Huxtable. RIP Bro
Thanks to all my sponsors.

Thu 29th November 2018

The Spinoff For Women

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 12:03 pm

In a post yesterday The Female Funding Failure we took a top down look at the Feminist concept of throwing money at the development of women and its perverse rather than positive outcomes. Comments there already are bringing that down to a local level and the direct effect on New Zealand society and the form that takes in our country.

One might liken this to Feminism using the State in the same way as a ‘Family Estate’ and that should be discussed separately.

Another recent discussion (more…)

Wed 28th November 2018

The Female Funding Failure

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:14 am

Older observers will/may recall their youthful beginnings, their adventure into the world, and the road or perhaps the hard road to finding their place in society.

Work to your strengths. Do what you love and never work a day in your life. Describe it how you like there was still an expectation and I think only a very few did not accept the obligation to at least attempt success in some form.

Then, there were changes. Life for young boys, young men became different. We are aware of that, we’ve seen it, we see how much harder it is to make a beginning in this strange new environment today, than it was for us.

And life changed for girls: (more…)

Tue 27th November 2018


Filed under: General — mama @ 4:28 pm

I can’t imagine what life might have been like without my father in my life.

I certainly can’t imagine life with just my mother.

My Father:..strong, reliable, busy, had a lot of friends, stalwart of a community, farmer, cop, publican, fencer, not the hobbyist guy..good with his hands,, but the range of his skills was quite amazing.

My Mother:..caring and loving, busy and the household seemed to run itself, amazing household skills, animal husbandry, butter maker baker and cook, clothing manufacturer for the family, charity worker, lovely lady, lovely Mother.

Together they achieved much, separately nigh on impossible.

We talk so about the effect of Fatherless Boys.

What about the Fatherless Girls?

My Granddaughter is out there without a Dad. I wonder if she is okay.
Do I consider her situation stable, I can not say I do, I wonder if she is okay.

A ‘Lawyer for the Child’ told us of the statistics and that if she did not have her Father in her life, then that may well lead her down the track of looking for a Father Figure, setting her up for teenage pregnancy, but apparently I don’t have to Clementinewell worry ’bout that.

Are the Girls OKAY?

Mon 26th November 2018

The What if of The Big IF

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 12:25 pm

Carrying on from a previous post Intersectional Feminism – A Man’s View I’m not sure about you but I have at least one question.

Is this an argument of convenience?

If the current Feminist design is to reject individual females who may have been successful in their own right, does this continue what appears to be an established process of the selective analysis of their history, where they cherry pick what suits their agenda.

Political Feminists are quick to have (more…)

Sun 25th November 2018

Peaceful Protest against the misandrist clementine ford – Auckland

Filed under: General — Zane @ 12:51 pm

Hi all,

You might have heard that Clementine Ford is in NZ using one of Auckland city council’s venues to promote her book Boys will be Boys and infesting people with his toxic ideolgy.

Bring your sign and join us or at least send an email to Phil Goff.

This “thing” (doesnt deserve to be called a woman) is coming to Auckland on Tuesday 27th Nov 2018 6.30pm to promote mens killing and genocide. We have no problem with her speaking whatever she wants and her stupid ideolgy but for someone like her, who has a significant history of sexism inciting violence against men and to use our council venues to do so is NOT acceptable and humiliating for mens and boys.

We should not tolerate with violence !

We’re holding a peaceful demonstration on Tuesday 27th Nov at 6.30pm infront of Freeman’s Bay Community Hall. So please come and join us. Also feel free to contact Phil Goff –

Join us this Tuesday at Freeman’s Bay Community Hall or plz send an email to Phil Goff [email protected] to cancel this event using the council venues.

The council venues are not for criminals who promote violence, killing and genocide of men or any other genders.

link of the event as below. You can bring your sign and welcome to join us.


Please spread the word.

Sunday Thoughts for Men

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:46 am

In a world that can’t stop writing, talking, thinking, you’re here on the net, perhaps connected to other social media, thinking about a selfie perhaps – is that a man thing?

Or is the face off in a women’s world a slap in the face for men?

Has that narcism turned men into shrinking violets?

A world that demands the right to emotional sensitivity, hiding behind emotional intensity but says you should not harden up you should open up. Is that a mixed message we’ve been brightsided with?

In a world that says average is a thing; it’s okay to be average, but grow into a world that demands perfectionism from men although there is no right answer – are we confused about that?

To hell with it, it’s just easier (more…)

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