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MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Wed 7th February 2024

Wana have a peek at the future when boys have been alienated from their families?

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 6:32 am

Sadly, America is already there. Ignore the destruction of boys’ relationships with their fathers. Ignore the damage caused by the family court and NZ will get there too.

TFW No GF is a non-scripted documentary. It’s a shocker. The full movie is on Telegram.

Step 1 Install Telegram App on your phone.
Step 2 Install Telegram on your PC.
Step 3 Click on this link.
Step 4 Click install

There are changing times coming. You want some real news ignored by the controlled media? Install these links.

Mon 5th February 2024

Dad can’t resume contact with child until Family Court delay clears (Surprised … NOT)

Filed under: General — Zane @ 10:37 am

Article link >> 

NZ Family court is the best tool for “Parental Alienation” (Must read)

Fri 2nd February 2024

The harm this woman has done to her children has been so extreme, it should be considered just as serious as rape and punished accordingly

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 4:38 pm

Mr Michael Chriswell father of 5 children had them abducted from him for 10 years. His eldest son asked him to rescue him from the extremely alienating mother.

I understand Michael may now live in New Zealand.

The harm this woman has done to her children has been so extreme, it should be considered just as serious as rape. She is not fit to be a mother. She belongs in prison.

If you are able to add to this from your own situation, please put it here.

Further links here

Wed 31st January 2024

Personal Integrity v Professional Credibility

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 7:44 pm

The protection of credentials.

Over the past century this is often referred to as self regulation by professional society.

The formation is designed to weed out the unprofessional person who uses the society’s reputation for a credibility beyond their own competence.

We’ve seen this tested in cases such as the Cave Creek tragedy and the CTV Building in the Christchurch earthquake.

In those cases both engineering situations.

More recently we’ve seen a different test of the strength of such societies – not a preservation of credibility but of their survival instinct. This happened during the recent Pandemic and more specifically related to the medical profession.

This is not a situation where I need to declare any conflict of interest and it’s coincidence that the doctor concerned was a police surgeon in Northland prior to the recent covid pandemic.

Dr Wojcik produced a video about covid which he posted online and in my case I saw this on Facebook and watched it twice because of its dissenting nature.

I would have watched it again but it wasn’t accessible because it had been censored as misinformation.

At that point the censorship of NZ Facebook was being managed by the Australian Press Association but having watched it twice I was puzzled as to what the misinformation might be.

I asked specifically what it was that justified the censorship tag.

The answer I got though lacked the credibility of professional journalism and without explanation the total censorship was removed although the video retained a lesser tag based solely on a reference to a situation in the United States.

In terms of what became of this doctor, he was expelled from his society and reduced to an alternative medicine practitioner, in Whangārei.

In many people’s minds he would be ‘a cooker’ and one might wonder how such incompetence ever existed in our medical society.

Another doctor who was suspended from practising after complaints that he was spreading Covid-19 and vaccine falsehoods has been found to have committed professional misconduct.

This case is currently before the Medical Tribunal but looking carefully at the text the words dance around disputing that the doctor was actually wrong about what he said.

“When considered as a whole, the tribunal is satisfied that the established particulars cumulatively amount to conduct likely to bring discredit to the profession … and are sufficiently serious to warrant a disciplinary sanction. Therefore, the test for professional misconduct is met.”

In simply language his crime is making the rest of them look silly.

Of course this isn’t something isolated to New Zealand, because we had a few silly doctors.

It’s a global situation and one where the dissenting doctors look to have much more credibility when political personalities like Dr Anthony Fauci can’t produce any scientific evidence for their demands of social distancing.

“It just sort of turned up.”

That’s acceptable?

But the cumulative action of some of these dancing doctors and the political rhetoric shared with politicians at the time is looking very much like “professional misconduct”?

I’m not passing judgment on that especially since New Zealand hasn’t had a covid inquiry yet but I do note that these men who have been persecuted to date had the courage of their convictions.

Tue 30th January 2024

State of Grief

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 5:51 pm

I once said to myself if I write a book it should be called, ‘State of Grief’.

That was more than 2 decades ago but is as relevant today as it was then.

You could approach that in so many ways as an individual depending on your circumstances.

But as a society as with any culture it comes back to basic anthropology where the piazza needs a commonsense.

This is what we lack in New Zealand. We’ve never developed our culture. We can’t agree on that.

What we have done though, is develope our identity, whether that is Kiwi-can-do, clean green, cheese makers or sailors.

The one big eyesore is that we don’t respect our children.

One side beats them to death before they are born and the other after.

This is the significant defining obstacle to one people that may be as deliberate as it is consequential.

There is a simple truth here, that a society that lacks respect for its children doesn’t deserve a future.

Sat 13th January 2024

Statins and Alternatives

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 7:07 am

Cardiovascular conversation for the unhealthy Western World that we are growing into.

Thu 14th December 2023

Double Standards? Of Course.

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 12:38 pm

A man is being prosecuted for manslaughter for killing a fetus after his car hit a pregnant woman while he was street racing illegally. An interesting case indeed.

When it comes to pregnant women, the fetus is not considered to have any human rights. She can legally kill the fetus and others are legally allowed to kill the fetus on her request. She can drink, drug, starve, exercise or abuse herself to her heart’s content with impunity thereby harming the fetus and eventually giving birth to a disabled baby who will require enormous resources from her society for the baby’s lifetime.

However, when a pregnant woman foolishly attends an illicit street race as a spectator and a male racer unintentionally runs his car into her, the fetus magically acquires human status including a right to life! Suddenly, police and media are referring to the fetus as a “baby girl” and a “deceased child”, as if a human being with rights.

We’re not sure what the law says about all this. Let’s see how the case unfolds and the depths of hypocrisy our feminist-saturated Courts will sink to.

To be clear, the driver deserves prosecution for breaking road laws and for harming the woman through illegal activity causing high risk to others. The woman deserves prosecution for encouraging illegal activity.

Epilim Warning

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:27 am

Safety Alert 7 December 2023

Sodium valproate (Epilim) use in people who can father children:

important new safety information
Update to original communication

The Epilim data sheet and consumer medicines information leaflet have been recently updated with additional information about sodium valproate (Epilim) use in people who can father children.

Educational resources are also being updated.

The additional information includes the following.

Use of sodium valproate in people who can father children within the 3 months prior to conception may increase the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in the child.

The potential risks to children fathered more than 3 months (the time taken for new sperm to be formed) after stopping sodium valproate are unknown.

If stopping sodium valproate, continue effective contraception for 3 months.

Do not donate sperm while taking sodium valproate and for 3 months afterwards.

Correction to the retrospective observational study results following reanalysis of one data set.

Thu 7th December 2023

For the past 40 years 70% of all suicide is men and boys

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 10:51 pm

In Australia the 3 leading cause of male suicide is

– Family relationship breakdown
– Loss of access to children
– Court and financial reasons

Men and boys tie ropes around tree branches and hang themselves to end their situational distress.

Men and boys are not at fault.

Unacceptable behaviour from disgusting man haters who cause such situational distress in families has caused 2500 deaths per year. These people and the system need to be legislated out of existence. Causing such distress should be a criminal offence carrying a lengthy prison sentence.

Feminist Justice System Extends Well Beyond The Family Court

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 10:23 am

This was a rare case in which Family Court Judge Peter Callinicos challenged and brought about consequences against a woman for providing dishonest, conflicting claims and evidence in that arena of deceit. There seemed no doubt that the woman said things in Court that contradicted her sworn affidavits and that she lied at various times. The Family Court decided in favour of the ex-husband whom she had accused of all manner of depravity and violence. She was then prosecuted for perjury (something that needs to be done much more often in that den of fabrication), found guilty and sentenced for perjury although that conviction was overturned on appeal (we wonder what gender the Appeal Court judge was in that case…). Now High Court judge Rebecca Ellis has reversed the Family Court judgment on the basis that J Callinicos was wrong to conclude the woman had committed perjury and claimed that J Callinicos teamed up with the ex-husband’s lawyers in order to treat the woman unfairly. OMG, Family Court judges plus ‘lawyer for child’ team up with the woman’s lawyer in a majority of cases! Oh, and the ex-husband’s lawyers shouldn’t have asked probing or pejorative questions of the woman; of course, that’s only ok when done to men, huh?

J Callinicos was not in fact constrained by a robust standard of proof in reaching his determinations, only the ‘balance of probabilities’ standard. When that standard is conveniently (routinely and daily) used in the Family Court to determine that unsupported allegations by women against men are factual, that’s all good and the relevant judge is quite within his/her rights to do that. But when the same standard is a applied in a way that finds against a female litigant’s preference, a female High Court judge decides to condemn it after applying to the matter quite a different standard of proof.

While we would like to see the standard of proof improved for Family Court, the current rules still pertain at present and we don’t like to see this hypocrisy. We hope J Rebecca Ellis’ handiwork is challenged in another higher Court. For example, there would need to be robust evidence that J Callinicos ‘teamed up’ with the ex-husband’s lawyers. Is this a case of the women in our system teaming up when Family Court decisions don’t suit their sisterhood?

Sun 3rd December 2023

MEN TOO Documentary

Filed under: Domestic Violence — JohnPotter @ 9:26 am

The 2023 observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Men was held on November 17, with related International Men’s Day events taking place in Australia, Germany, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, India, Nigeria, and many other countries around the world.

The highlight of IDEVAM-2023 was release of the “MEN TOO – Domestic Violence Against Men” documentary, produced by Dogs on the Run of South Africa. The film premiered at an international press conference, and is being promoted around the world.

Thu 23rd November 2023

Lawyer: if you have a penis, then you will lose in Family Court

Filed under: Law & Courts — JohnPotter @ 8:24 pm

First published NZ Herald, 22 November 2023
By Jeremy Wilkinson

Lawyer’s comments about judge land him before tribunal

A lawyer called a judge an “ignorant woman” in a 10-page memorandum filed to the Family Court and referred to it as a “vagina court” during a custody battle with his ex-wife.

The man has also accused the opposing counsel of committing perjury, defrauding the legal aid system, and said its employees were “feminist staff who had a bone to pick with men”.

Mon 23rd October 2023

This is what you get with non disclosure of evidence.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 9:31 am

Andrew Malkinson now aged 57 spent 17 years in prison for a crime he never committed.

– 10 of those years were because he maintained his innocence.
– The police unlawfully destroyed evidence that would have cleared Andrew.
– While assistance chief constable Sara Jackson wrote an apology to Andrew, it contained the following further error. “We are absolutely committed to follow all new lines of enquiry.” Here’s the thing. There is no new line of enquiry, the police had the evidence 17 years ago, but decided not to use or reveal it and then went on to destroy it. When is the trial for the person or people who did that?

Sun 22nd October 2023

3 Men tried to take their own life after false allegations of a sexual nature.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 7:43 am

This is a 55-minute video. It is not a documentary. It is a summary of facts and reasons for sentencing by a Judge.

Eleanor Williams aged 22 set out to destroy 3 men’s reputations. It included smashing her own face and body with a hammer she purchased. Williams made claims of being used by gangs for prostitution and had her vagina cut with a knife then raped. The women decided to post many allegations on Facebook.

Many men were interviewed, leaving an indelible stain on their reputations. It included damage to homes by the public, being abused in the street, and not being able to go and shop in town. Social services had received anonymous calls about one of the men claiming he was not fit to look after his own child. He moved house, he was abused by a neighbour, online threats were made.

The Judge said Eleanor Williams shows no signs of remorse.

The men do not think they will ever recover and suffer ongoing local abuse.

3 of the male victims tried to take their own life after false allegations of a sexual nature.

The sentence was 8.5 years, of which half will be served in prison. Had the men been convicted, a life sentence of 20 years.

In Ireland, no such allegation can be public until a guilty verdict has been reached. Why doesn’t NZ have this law?

Sun 17th September 2023

Russell can no longer have a fair trial

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 11:31 pm

Right now a fellow man has been accused of multiple rapes in the media. He is rich, he is famous, he is popular. Now his future and wellbeing is in question.

Russell Brand has claimed every single sexual encounter was consensual.

What we have now is an open media trial that allows every single person he as slept with to come forward to make a claim on his wealth.

To start with Russell is likely to face his shows to be taken offline, his income will go to zero or below. He will have to pay a lawyer millions, he will lose friends and possibly family.

Russell can no longer have a fair trial. In Ireland, the laws is no release of the accused name until a guilty verdict has been reached. When is New Zealand going to follow Ireland’s lead?

Sun 27th August 2023

In It For You

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 1:59 pm

In It For You

You may recognise the phrase as the Labour Party Election Slogan for 2023.

I thought it an odd phrase when I first heard it and tossed around what it might mean.

Self promotion? Prime minister and Labour leader Chris Hipkins saying, I’m “In it for you”?
Or the Labour Party is it it for you.

How else might you interpret that.

This afternoon in a speech from Hipkins came the answer. (more…)

Fri 25th August 2023

Puberty Blockers

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:28 am

Follow the Science, they say, but I haven’t had time on this one.

Sterilization in disguise?
Population Control?

Is it an issue for men more than women?

I’m seeing the noise. Would that be any different to parents with school age children.

What are they told?

Family Court Friction

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:04 am

This article is behind the Herald pay wall if anyone wants to contribute the detail in the comments.
This has just been published which may be a follow-up rather the original article above.

NZ Herald senior journalist Jane Phare has been investigating this issue for months, talking to the families, psychologists, lawyers and judges who have seen the inner workings of this system first-hand.

Close the Ministry Of Women’s Affairs

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:00 am

Occasionally the collective body of women do disagree.

A policy to close the Ministry of Women’s Affairs is being driven by the ACT Party.

That being so out in the open is firstly a typical feminist, bite back at anything that dares to criticise us, but what we might also be seeing is a realisation in higher society that that the feminist industry has had its day, and now is a damaging waste of money serving no worthwhile purpose in some outdated quest for equality.

Thu 17th August 2023

Act Party to abolish Ministry for Women

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 1:28 pm

News Link – Act Party to abolish ministry for women

“We shouldn’t have ministries that are there just for a type of person because every ministry should be serving every type of person.”

Luxon is partly on board with the idea.

Sun 13th August 2023

The sexual holy war is coming for you

Filed under: Gender Politics — JohnPotter @ 10:17 am

Our therapeutic state smothers the human spirit
Published at UnHerd 24th July 2023

But in fact, the therapeutic para-state is today staffed disproportionately by women and routinely addresses its expectations to us in gendered terms, sometimes casting dissent from the programme as an expression of toxic masculinity. So it is to be expected that such dissent will likewise make the legitimacy of the male a thematic concern. To paraphrase Trotsky, you may not be interested in a sexual holy war, but the sexual holy war is interested in you.

Daily life is shot through with an ambient pedagogical project that works to create the modern subject, a creature who internalises the social discipline required by the modern state. In one of his choicest formulations, Michel Foucault referred to “the minor civil servants of moral orthopaedics”. They are found in corporate HR, the Office of Student Life in universities, mandatory “Relationships and Sexual Health Education” in schools, lifestyle magazines and countless other sites of adjustment. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 71% of human resources managers are women. In the University of California system, to take one example, 70% of non-academic staff are women, and in American universities generally, the ratio of administrators to faculty has nearly doubled since 1990. Sixty-seven percent of those who hold a journalism degree are women. In psychology, female graduate students outnumber males by about three to one, and have done so for more than a decade. Seventy-seven percent of sociology majors are women, and women have received about two-thirds of all masters degrees since the early Eighties. If the norm-setting, psyche-tending, world-describing, and narrative-generating professions are staffed predominantly by women, does anything follow from this fact?

It does if you grant that there are such things as male norms and female norms, as social psychology indicates there are, and if you further grant that this difference must show up in the flavour of institutional life. Jonathan Haidt says that among women you get “a different kind of conflict. There is a greater emphasis on what someone said which hurt someone else, even if unintentionally. There is a greater tendency to respond to an offence by mobilising social resources to ostracise the alleged offender.” This concern with offence, which tends to maintain social cohesion, also tends to come detached from the question whether the hurtful thing said was true or not.

This introduces an element of arbitrariness, an invitation to caprice. Notice that in this dynamic, a “hurt” may be attributed, a victim identified, as an act of aggression against the putative offender. The great majority of women do not seek power within an institution under the banner of woke activism. But most of those who do seek power in this way are women, Richard Hanania observes. More broadly, due to important asymmetries between male and female modes of conflict, “women’s tears win in the marketplace of ideas”. Such winning often results in the further extension of bureaucratic supervision into realms where harms might be found.

Full article:

Fri 11th August 2023

Father Expresses His Opinion About Parenting Order

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 11:03 am

This father’s expression of remorse following his act of martyrdom was sensible given he was looking down the barrel of a long prison sentence. It’s a shame though that so many people cave in to bullying and abandon their ethical positions by later agreeing they were wrong.

Of course, we would never encourage the use of violence against our violent, child-abusing, male-denigrating state.

Interesting that some favoured groups in the Woke era are able to break the law with impunity, such as by trespassing on (‘occupying’) other people’s property for extended time periods. Yet when a father tries to protect his child and his bonding with that child he no longer even has the partial defence of provocation available to him legally and he is treated as though he had no ethical basis to his acts of resistance.

Sat 5th August 2023

If I were the deep state this is what I would do to fathers and children worldwide if I wanted less of them.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 11:52 am

If I were the deep state and I wanted to reduce population from 9 billion to 1 billion, I would destroy families and allow gangs to flourish. I would even pay the gangs to exist on that income without having to resort to crime for money.

If I were the deep state, I would take away children from their fathers, destroy their relationships so children wouldn’t have a dad to turn to.

If I were the deep state, I would create a law to allow women to apply without notice to the courts to steal property from men and give it to their former wife and girlfriends after 24 – 36 months of relationship.

If I were the deep state, I would allow IRD to fine men if they could not pay for child support and use that money for something else other than their family.

If I were the deep state, I would cause suicide (now called mental health) in men. I would withhold the statistics for years and never answer questions regarding the imbalance or stop it.

If I were the deep state, I would jail men for 3 times longer than a woman or no cage time at all.

If I were the deep state, I would take away guns from the law-abiding people but not the gangs.

If I were the deep state, I would create a separate and closed court for police with a single judge.

If I were the deep state, and I wanted less families and population I would make laws to destroy men so they do not have children.

If I were the deep state, I would allow false sex accusations from women, pay them huge sums of money for their statement and virtually never prosecute if it was false.

If I were the deep state and I wanted to know and take full control over what people spend their money on. I would take away cash and make all transaction electronic. I would regulate how much they could spend, who they traded with and what I will immediately take from the transaction.

If I were the deep state, I would place a near field I/d and tracker inside everyone’s hand.

If I were the deep state, I would make a one would Government that no one voted for.

I am sure you can think of other things I could do if I were the deep state.

There is an election coming! The only time a politician listens and are forced to make comment and keep or get on the payroll is now. Each of us has a TV station and news network build inside our phones. The free app is called Telegram. Install it. Use it, put it online. Hold them to account.

Tue 1st August 2023


Filed under: Boys / Youth / Education,Events,General,Men's Health — Zane @ 4:16 pm

A one-day event to explore & discuss the struggles of Men & Boys in New Zealand.
On Saturday 9 September 2023 at 8am

Tue 4th July 2023

U.N. Report Seeks to Cover-Up Parental Alienation

Filed under: Domestic Violence — JohnPotter @ 9:08 am

The long-lasting effects of parental alienation are revealed by a woman who became alienated from her father at the age of nine:

“I’ve spent most of my childhood, adolescence, and teenage years grappling with self-esteem issues, anxiety, depression, eating issues, difficulty managing relationships, trust issues.”

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