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MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Sun 25th March 2018

Counting Down to Men’s Summit, 6 April 2018

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics,General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 11:53 am

The NZ Men’s Summit 2018 is on Friday 6th April, the Friday after Easter, so sign up today!

Those who have registered to attend already include leading lights of the NZ men’s movement.


Fri 23rd March 2018

Media Awareness

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 8:35 am

The media face within the country is undergoing some significant changes.

This is a subject I’ve posted on before and it has upset some of our previous regular commenters, mainly because this has conflicted with the way they approach their use of the internet. Habits can die hard but we live in a dynamic fast paced environment and we need to keep pace with these changes.

There are two that need particular mention at this time; (more…)

Thu 22nd March 2018


Filed under: Gender Politics,General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 9:20 am

Our email to Radio NZ regarding recent developments from the anti-Rodeo activists. Thoughts?

Dear Radio NZ

Mammals have evolved with a stress reaction that needs some exercise. They are designed to be able run away from a ‘predator’ and to buck and shake off a ‘predator’ on their backs. Their bodies are capable of running, being attacked and tackled. Some experience of such activity is likely to enhance their lives. The animal rights people appear to believe that a life of quiet grazing in a paddock is somehow better for these animals, but they are mistaken.

Although many women enjoy rodeos and some participate as competitors, rodeos are based essentially on male instinctual interests. Maclennan’s report can only be expected to reflect her femicentric arrogance and endless criticism of men.

Kind regards

Wed 21st March 2018

Jordan Peterson Interview

Filed under: General — triassic @ 10:46 pm

I have been impressed With this BBC interview With Jordan Peterson debate on the gender pay gap, campus protests and postmodernism with female interviewer, Cathy Newman, who appears to have a problem with hearing logical answers.
Peterson, a psychology Professor at Toronto University, came to fame when he stated he would refuse to address transgenders by their chosen pronoun if it became law in Canada. You can view more on this item here
This draconian left wing liberal nonsense will be on its way into our universities shortly and then into law. “Free Speech” is about to become very narrow if decided by the radical left.

The Russell McVeagh Spy Novel

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 10:25 am

This Story by Melanie Reid and Farah Hancock is published at as shown

(Melanie Reid is Newsroom’s lead current affairs and investigations journalist)

(Farah Hancock is a Newsroom reporter based in Auckland who writes on education, conservation and technology)

I’m sure most regular Menz readers will be saying the same thing I am, “Where do you start on this one?” (more…)

Mon 19th March 2018

The Psychology of Modern Woman

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 3:50 pm

There are many relationships within the social contract that might be analysed from a psychological perspective.

In this age and led by the media we generally see society analyzed from women’s perspective.

Naturally there is an audience, but perhaps also a quiet audience whose thoughts are theirs but whose voices are not being heard.

Sun 11th March 2018

Judge Timothy Druce

Filed under: General — Zane @ 9:48 pm

Anyone here had any dealings with Judge Timothy Druce in Auckland ? He is managing someone case that i know.


Wed 21st February 2018

What’s your name, who’s your Daddy , does he look like me?

Filed under: Boys / Youth / Education — anon @ 1:32 pm

I was 21 and had been living in the UK for a couple of years when I got a letter from my father in Australia.
He was writing to tell me that he was very happy and that he would soon marry a local woman who he had known for a just few months. They intended to travel together exploring Continental Australia, It had been 10 years since my parents separated and I was pleased for him. I knew the woman or knew of her as she had a daughter my age that I’d partied with a few times.

There was just one little issue, the woman was pregnant to another man, apparently some horrible monster of a demon Man – as we all in turn, frequently become when we are no longer desired.

Mon 19th February 2018

Bettina Arndt – Speaks about how men have been left vulnerable in today’s society. And why men are committing suicide at a rate of almost 5 to 1.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 8:23 pm

Sat 17th February 2018

Ideas from the Fathering Forum 2006

Ideas from the Fathering Forum 2006
[Authors name not included, due to possible privacy issues.]
This document was salient in 2006.
In the years that have gone by, I believe that it is just as salient today. I guess some progress has been made in some areas, but nothing like what should have been. In particular, Family Caught has developed surprisingly little in that time, if it has moved forward at all?

This list of issues still provide a good overview, to address and prioritise these problems 11 years later.

What are the problems fathers face?
• Lack of own fathering
• Lack of skills
• Expectations- Known and Unknown
• Work. Long work hours and not enough time off
• Some mothers are controlling and possessive
• Negative father stories in the community
• Isolation from each other
• Lack of recognition of male essence and culture
• Lack of self esteem, self worth, self affirmation

Thu 15th February 2018

Education Issues in 2018

Filed under: Boys / Youth / Education,Events — Downunder @ 2:48 pm

Current issues you are encountering with education of our sons.

Gendered Politicians

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 10:53 am

In a simple analysis; if a politician acts in a gendered way and seeks votes based on gender then you would expect them to represent their constituency in the same way?

As the Green’s female leader position is currently being contested it may be interesting to observe this contest as a starting point, although a cynical observation might be that two leaders simply attracts additional income for the party and as long as the male leader doesn’t conflict with the female’s point of view it is nothing more than a Feminist party targeting both funding and votes the best way visible to them.

No doubt (more…)

Sat 10th February 2018

Air New Zealand gender equity experiment

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:05 am

Sources indicate that men need not apply for the time being.

In a step to upwardly adjust the ratio of female to male pilots a policy of hiring female only applicants is in place.

Further information in relation to this especially any knowledge of a government directive would be welcome.

My genuine concern here would be that our best pilots may look elsewhere rather than tolerate second best if our best male pilots are driven overseas for work.

Wouldn’t you jump ship now while those oportunuties are still available, before the young bucks get ahead of you.

Know anyone in the industry?

Fri 9th February 2018


Filed under: General — Downunder @ 12:38 pm

A Tauranga couple will launch their community men’s man cave this Saturday.

The couple Mike and Charice also have a fire engine for sale if another men’s group is interested.

Part Time Prime Minister

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:14 am

News about our part time, celebrity, primeminister, expectant mother, and the political confussion is gathering some international attention.

Of particular interest is the passage of articles on the right hand side.

Not a Woman’s Weekly reader myself, but if you happen to pass by one you might justify a look only to assist with comments on this post, of course.

Thu 8th February 2018

Next of Kin Debate

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 1:04 pm

A next of kin debate is surfacing after the body of a man remains unclaimed for 7 months.

Mon 5th February 2018

Black book for men to stop them from being employed.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 4:02 pm

Recommended by Government to start tracking sexual misconduct in the workplace

And there you have it!! Woman’s Minister Julie Anne Genter will set up a Government registrar for men who have allegations of sexual misconduct in the workplace against them.

No need for anything else. No investigation, trial, no jury, no lawyer, no judge, just an allegation and a man will become unemployable for the rest of his life.

Completely open to abuse with absolutely no comeback. Even if (more…)

Wed 31st January 2018

The War on Men

Filed under: Gender Politics — JohnPotter @ 6:08 am

Paul Joseph Watson explains why masculinity is under assault.

Tue 30th January 2018

Psychologists Board

Filed under: General — Eric @ 5:43 pm

I recently went through the process of making an official complaint to the Psychologists Board regarding the conduct of one of their psychologists. Of course they decided not to reprimand the psychologist but it was pleasing to see how much time the psychologist had to waste addressing the complaint. So on that basis I would highly recommend that people do it. I’ve also heard that psychologists very much dislike being complained about. So another good reason to do it.

On another point. Does anybody know the percentage of cases where the FC awards 50:50 shared care against the wishes of the mother?

Sat 27th January 2018

Protests in Auckland and nationwide

G’day Chaps,

Couple of protests running next month ( Organized by Families 4 Justice ) in Auckland CBD. Against the Family Justice System which include; NZ Family court – CYFS – NZ police and other associates. Expected 100++ people ! Anyone is welcome …

Families 4 Justice WWW.F4J.ORG.NZ
List of Event Screenshots

Auckland CBD – 3rd Feb 2018 12.30pm – Aotea Square

Event Details

Auckland CBD – 9th Feb 2018 11.00am – Aotea Square in coalition with the NZ Father Rights Movement in CHCH.

Event Details
Whangarei District court and CYFS – 26th Feb 2018 11.30am

Event Details

The Production of Isolation

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 10:28 am

A man’s worth is in his independence and his management of it.

“How did you find out about us?”

An obvious question to a man who had just walked in the door for his initial meeting with a Union of Fathers (UOF) representative.

“My solicitor told me, “I’d be better off talking to you guys than him”,”.

That might have been unusual or unexpected the first time it happened but it wasn’t a one off, of course. For anyone that experienced the legal shambles in The Court of Shame during the last term of a Labour led coalition, this is very understandable and well documented in previous posts. (more…)

Thu 25th January 2018

Rene Naufahu and the Gender War

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 10:06 am

The Rene Naufahu case is a good example of our Courts and our society treating adult women as if they are children. Surely, if a man attempts to seduce an adult woman she has responsibility for whether she immediately tells him “no I don’t consent to that” (in whatever wording) or instead participates in the sexual activity? Surely, if she had previously participated sexually with a man in a free context and she then keeps going back to that man into that context without expressing any disapproval or dislike of what happened, she is responsible for her choice and indeed for implying consent for what happened last time and what can reasonably be predicted to happen again this time? (more…)

Wed 24th January 2018

Blenheim Protest Saturday 9th February

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 7:01 pm

Information regarding this protest is obtained in the following article.

Father walks away from Family Court Case and will join The Protest

Mental Health Inquiry NZ 2018

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 6:48 pm

Not having seen the terms of reference it is hard to estimate how this might capture issues for men.

I will update the text as information becomes available.

RNZ How The Inquiry Will Work

who will lead the inquiry

Fri 19th January 2018

Please support my UN submission

Filed under: General — Iain Fergusson @ 3:23 pm

Cover letter

I am writing to ask you to support my submission to the UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights. My concern is that men’s human rights issues are not being fully or accurately reported to the UN despite New Zealand’s obligation to do so. Examples of this are included my following submission.

The Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights accepts reports from non-governmental organisations and individuals for consideration before they make their recommendations. Your support is important because submissions that have wide community support have more sway and are treated more respectfully. (more…)

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