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MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Fri 6th February 2015

Isn’t this just typical NZ reporting ….

Filed under: General — golfa @ 5:36 pm

Nowhere in this “report” does it say the attacker was a girl. Oh, it says that the victim was a girl, but the gender of the attacker is conveniently omitted throughout. Sexist ? You betcha !

Thu 5th February 2015

Update – Family court Revamp part 3

Filed under: General — nzleagle @ 7:59 pm

Since April 2014 I have been in the system of the New Family court system. my previous posts –

So my last update was up till about the 9th of December, My ex finally accepted a mediation date for the 13th of January 2015. Since one of the primary reasons for restarting the proceedings was to try and get contact for Christmas, I had the court confirm that the current parenting order (from 2010) was still enforceable, and then messaged my ex saying that since she cant have mediation till middle of January I will be forced to enforce the order, so if she could have my son available for the dates as per the order that would be great. I also mentioned to her that if she doesn’t agree either organize a mediation date for before Christmas, or I will be forced to enforce it.

She asked me for the mediators number, and he was not available, she said she would call the following day. 2 days later I have a bailif on my door step serving me with a Without notice application to vary the parenting order, essentially preventing me from enforcing the order, in her application she told the court that I had asked for contact outside the order, and a number of other stretches of the truth and unfactual information. and as a result it was approved. With contact be on agreement, so I text my ex asking when she sees contact occurring, and never got a response.

Come the 13th of January, I had travled from Auckland to Wellington, and was driving up to Palmerston north about 4 hours before the mediation date, when I recieved a phone call from the mediator saying that my ex had pulled out as she had a workplace injury that resulted in a concussion before Christmas. The mediator tried to work something out on the phone, but my ex couldnt even make herself avalible during the time period the mediation was supposed to be.

Thankfully as a result of her without notice application a directions conference was set down for the 4th of Febuary.

At the directions conference the Judge pretty much ripped into the Lawyer for child and Lawyer for my ex asking why contact hasnt been able to be sorted, and it appears to be a straight forward case. So we now have to have a round table meeting within 2 weeks, if no agreement is reached, we are to file detailed proposals for contact and care, and she will either make a decision based on those proposals and evidence previously filed, or set down a hearing.

I also wrote to MP’s about the time frames for the Family Dispute Resolution to occur, and received a response from Amy Adams yesterday stating that the provider contracts specify 35 days from application to mediation occurring. and they will be working with providers to ensure this happens. However delays are inevitable if people need extra time for the prep etc…

Wed 4th February 2015

George Gwaze murder case – Radio NZ Interview

Filed under: Law & Courts,Sex Abuse / CYF — JohnPotter @ 1:22 pm

Felicity Goodyear-Smith was interviewed by Kathryn Ryan on National Radio’s programme Nine to Noon this morning about her new book Murder that wasn’t – the case of George Gwaze.

Listen here:
Miscarriage of justice – the George Gwaze murder case

GP and forensic physician, Professor Felicity Goodyear-Smith, on her fresh investigation of the George Gwaze murder case – and why she says the crown got it wrong.

Order Murder that Wasn’t here:

Tue 3rd February 2015

UNCROC report by MOJ

Filed under: General — mopardad @ 7:39 am

Hey all, I havent seen this mentioned here so am wondering who is following this, attending the HRC workshops and who will be making a “submission” on the MOJ’s report that it will submit to the UN. I began reading it last night, up to about page 30 and have already picked up 30 points that are in direct contradiction of the treatment of how me, my child and our family have been treated by the MOJ, the FC, the NZ Judiciary and the outcomes of FC proceedings that have seen our bond destroyed and the actual DV and perjury committed by the mother of the child being ignored by the entire government which not surprisingly portrays its handling of Childrens rights in a vastly different light. I believe this is an opportunity for those of us who have had our rights as parents and guardians unlawfully taken from us, as well as our childrens rights being taken from them, to have a voice and make the failings of the MOJ FC and NZ Judiciary more publicly known. I will certainly be voicing the facts in regards to the failings of those involved in our proceedings and those in government who have demonstrated they really dont give 2 f%^ks. If people can file a submission I would be keen to compile them and issue a paper regarding the FC’s failings. THIS IS OUR GREATEST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD YET!!!!

Sat 31st January 2015

Why is Circumcision Not Treated as Sexual Abuse?

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 7:40 am

Circumcision is another example of duplicity in the way many people think about gender issues, and an incredible example of sexism that harms males. Here we see boys having their genitals mutilated through religious and allegedly cultural practice, in ways that cause serious infections placing at risk these boys’ lives, fertility and ability to enjoy sex in their lives. No doubt the pain and fear of the ‘operation’ will also result in post-traumatic problems for many of these boys. National Radio informed us of hospitalizations resulting from these infections, but nobody seems to question why these intentional injuries caused to boys’ genitals are not routinely treated as one of the worst conceivable forms of sexual abuse. If girls were subject to so much as a gentle touch of their genitals, regardless if this was an established cultural practice, our feminist-saturated National Radio would most definitely be calling for the perpetrators to be charged with offences carrying prison tariffs comparable with homicide. If you as a male take or possess a photograph of your daughter in the bath or in any situation where her genitals can be seen, you are at risk of imprisonment. Yet it’s ho-hum ok to take a knife to boys’ penises and that’s not considered a sexual assault. Even if that knife is not properly sterilized and therefore likely to cause serious illness. Incredible.

Tue 27th January 2015

New book: Murder that wasn’t

Filed under: Law & Courts,Sex Abuse / CYF — JohnPotter @ 8:19 am

George Gwaze made legal history in NZ when he was tried for murder a second time on the same evidence, after the Supreme Court ruled that double jeopardy does not apply until all appeals have been exhausted. Both juries acquitted him.

A DSAC doctor wrongly concluded that Gwaze’s niece Charlene was analy raped then suffocated, and this misguided medical opinion coloured the subsequent police investigation and media reporting.

A new book by Felicity Goodyear-Smith titled ‘Murder that wasn’t – the case of George Gwaze‘ outlines the medical evidence that Charlene died of the HIV infection which killed her mother.

Thu 22nd January 2015

What do you call organizations you are terrified of?

Filed under: Child Support,General — ashish @ 10:57 pm

What is the difference between IRD and ISIS? Both terrorize non-custodial parents. One kills quickly, while the other kills you slowly over time.

Examples of Family Court rulings on Admin Reviews?

Filed under: Child Support,Law & Courts — richardmills @ 10:43 am

I’ve been assessed at a ‘potential’ income which is three times greater than my actual income as a result of a staggeringly unfair Admin Review. As a result I’m launching a counter review, as well as taking the existing review to the Family Court to challenge the review findings.

I’m needing to find examples of rulings that the Family Court have reached in previous cases where non-custodial parents have appealed under section 103b of the Act. Does anyone know where I can find these?

First Woman On The Moon

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 6:03 am

Should we adopt a difference approach for 2015 and throw some humour into the fight against Feminism?

First Woman on the moon

Tue 20th January 2015

NSW Police acknowledge male victims of intimate partner violence

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics,General,Law & Courts — MurrayBacon @ 8:25 am

One In Three Campaign

NSW Police today took the rare and long-overdue step of acknowledging male victims of intimate partner violence and their children with this post on their Facebook Page which is quickly going viral, with many supportive comments underneath it.

Mon 19th January 2015

Fatherhood in Victorian Times

Filed under: Gender Politics — JohnPotter @ 11:56 am

A new study concludes that Victorian men were the original hands-on father, far from their image as distant and severe.

Sat 17th January 2015

The Island With Bear Grylls – Masculinity in Crisis

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 10:54 am


Interesting concept for a TV show (and I haven’t seen it) if it does look at changes in masculinity, rather than simply being another survivor series.

Has anyone seen it?

But this is amusing.


Short News Review

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 9:52 am

Here are a few recent stories of interest to students of gender issues. (more…)

Thu 15th January 2015

The toothpaste woman escapes with the loot.

Filed under: Domestic Violence,General,Law & Courts — anon @ 3:53 pm

I refer back to the first post I made 9 months ago back in may 2014 entitled Toothpaste accomplice. I had omitted in the post the fact that the woman had told me she was six weeks pregnant the week earlier. Months later police called me in to tell me “there is no baby”.

So I’ve lived for the past nine months accused of savagely and brutally repeatedly, assaulting a pregnant woman.

Feminist Psychology

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 1:20 pm

We are all well aware of the more recent involvement of psychologists in demonising men, but wait till you get a load of this.

The book ‘Inferiority Feelings’ first published in 1951 and authored by Oliver Brackfeld, translated from French, is online (complete text) in the International library of Psychology

The loquacity (talkativeness) which the experts of last century numbered among the sexual traits of females, homosexuals and effeminate men is the direct outcome of the fear of not being taken seriously.


Wed 14th January 2015

Gravel Soup

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 7:56 am

It’s an expression I’d not heard before and I went looking for an explanation on the net and came across this.

The concept of gravel soup is a soup from left over’s – a bit of anything and everything – that can be added to if not consumed in one day.

A bit of a rough brew.

This guy has drawn an analogy between gravel soup and his father. I can relate to this in my father, but I’m wondering if it is something, as a consequence of metropolitan life, we are less inclined to see in men.

Have men become both less sophisticated and more sophisticated as the environment has changed around them?


Tue 13th January 2015

The discussion on suicide in NZ

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:25 am

It’s been a long time coming but with the recent changes around reporting restrictions the subject has received considerable media attention in recent months.

For those that are interested there is a discussion in progress here on Stuff Nation.

Naturally the article is female focused but the comments have attracted some male perspective.

Sun 11th January 2015

Is it failure?

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 4:09 pm

This is NOT a post about suicide.

Japan’s fight to change suicide culture hurt by latest recession

“The economy plays a big role,” in the nation’s suicide rate, said Mafumi Usui, a psychology professor at Niigata Seiryo University. That compounds the problem in Japan, because “the notion lingers that taking your own life is something resolute and decisive, something that’s not wrong,” he said.

There’s a reason this caught my attention. Earlier in the day I had seen one of those social media statements that float around, that said surveys on fears put FAILURE as number one ahead of DEATH.

I have no idea of the truth of that statement, it may or may not be correct.

Putting this together: (more…)

Sat 10th January 2015

‘Rape Culture’

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 8:03 pm

If you want to be reminded of how extreme and irrational mainstream feminism has become, and of how much our taxes are funding the forces of feminism in demonizing men, you might like to listen to this programme played on National Radio on 7th December 2014 and broadcast again this week. It’s called ‘Rape Culture and Consent in New Zealand’ and you can find it on the Radio NZ web page here: The following critique is somewhat lengthy but I hope worth the read, and certainly won’t take as long as listening to the programme. (more…)

Fri 9th January 2015

Men and Women in the age of Feminism

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 4:59 pm

Men and Women in the age of Feminism

Tue 6th January 2015

Actions by Parents of suicides

Filed under: General — MurrayBacon @ 12:26 pm

I was reading Alan Turing: The Enigma, by Andrew Hodges.

I was struck by The Author’s Note, on page 667:

One person was not satisfied with this assessment, and sensed that some other kind of recognition was due. This was Mrs. Turing, who in 1956 embarked upon writing a biography of her son – an extraordinary development by any standards, in which a seventy five year old Guildford lady, hitherto not notable for literary or social confidence, and knowing almost nothing about science, was left to piece together some of the debris from the wreck of the modern world’s dream. Her Victorian values still unshaken, she retained a strong belief that Alan’s work had been and would turn out to be of benefit to humanity.

This mother of an apparent suicide, shook off the crushing feelings that surround such a cruel and stigmatising event and did her utmost to make the best possible out of this painful predicament.

Boys are to blame

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 7:14 am

Now this is an article that will rock your socks.

He said schools were constantly having to keep on top of new technologies and seek clarification from police when images being shared involved students under the age of 16.

Of course you’ll remember a few years back the last labour government wanting to lower the age of consent to 13 years of age.

“We’re at the point where principals are proposing that parents be prosecuted for parental negligence when they’re aware of the inappropriate and sexual behaviour going on with their children online, yet choose to do nothing about it.”


Wed 31st December 2014

2014 for men in New Zealand

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 6:59 am

New Zealand is not a country that has a great deal of respect for it’s men – well those it still has.

It shows in the country’s demographics with the ratio to women in some areas now as low as 87:100. Men are happy to leave, find more congenial environments, and not come back.

Many will not return, as they are now a criminal in their homeland, liable to arrest for not paying the state debt for their education or (more…)

Tue 23rd December 2014

Why New Zealand schools will continue to fail

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 12:20 pm

Efforts to get more male teachers failing

Schools are failing our children, especially boys. That’s another debate but it’s a simple reality that has existed and has been worsening for more than 20 years, and directly impacts the male teacher issue being raised in this article.

The headline can be read two ways; firstly that we are failing to attract more males to teaching (which is not true) or that there are efforts to get more male teachers to fail (which not surprisingly is exactly what this feminist country does). (more…)

Sat 20th December 2014

Shared Care Research

Filed under: General — nzleagle @ 10:42 pm

Hi there,

Just under 2 weeks ago I seperated with my Wife, we have two school aged children, and I will be moving to an area where I will Pass by the school on the way to work.

I have proposed working towards a 4/5 shared care arrangement, where as she is proposing Alternate Weekends plus 1 Week day a fortnight. Obviously I don’t feel its fair that I am limited to such a short amount of time with my Kids, when I will be passing by where they go to school every day anyway.

Looking for some websites, Data on the pro’s and cons of Shared Care as I have heard that in situations where it is viable, the Family Court is moving towards Shared Care as the ideal situation. If i can present a Case to my ex showing that its not detrimental to Children to be in a Shared care situation, I may have a better chance of having her agree….

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