From across the Tasman and sourced from the ABC News:
The first two blockquotes are scene setting.
The third blockquote is what caught my eye when first reading the story.
Does anyone have a knowledgeable opinion on the comparative Australian/New Zealand situation?
Some reason for two lesbians to prefer New Zealand rather than Australia?
I have a problem with the unqualified promotion of Warren Farrell.
I read a couple of his books around the turn of the century when he came to New Zealand.
First let’s have a look at his history; lives in the US, got married, didn’t have any children. Went through a separation. Did a bit of a MGTOW thing. Became an author of male psychological texts. Got married many years later to a woman with children.
He has a history of involvement in support of Feminism and I suppose I’d call it a moderator in the battle between Feminism and the Men’s movement.
Here’s just one thing he says:
The best-selling magazines to men are Playboy and Penthouse. These represent men’s primary fantasy: access to as many beautiful women as desired without risk of rejection. The best-selling magazines to women are Better Homes and Gardens and Family Circle, representing the female primary fantasy: better homes and gardens and a family circle.
I’m just going to leave this here for now.
Have a think about that and you’re welcome to comment.
By the time something reaches the bottom, let’ just say it is not good.
We have a problem Huston, we need to work at the top.
I doubt if every Man Group along the stretch of our country was visited that you would find much in the way of a hearty laugh or, and rightly so, in times of trouble there is only seriousness until success. Success is hard to make out of the messy situation that faces many Men after separation.
The damage is there, waiting to be done.
We don’t want to have Men having to go there. We need some preventative measures and no one is ever gunna offer this, it is just not coming.
Firstly the countrywide population has to be made aware that there is a problem,,, just in six months more rules have been put in place like road spikes, no body knows…. not even the road users!
The massive fact that the statistics for SUICIDE are being investigated for a specific profession of Male driven industry is indeed a window into this world in which the Men of this country live.
This work is hopefully going to drive more cliff top work for Men here.
It is imperative that all that can be openly discussed will be done so and that the conversation it kept alive , do not let people dwell only on this one profession as politicians and media sometimes do,, this needs to be looking at the wide view, a real spot light.
Perhaps that is not so visible because we still have some aspiring female politicians who wouldn’t deny themselves the opportunity they worked for. A bunch of state workers in their last ten years before retirement. A few political hopeful who see a career of indulgence with minimal work. While behind them is a disinterested directionless army of younger people who have something else to do, or really don’t give a continental.
There is no great army of persuasion at the top of the bell curve. That sharp leading edge is a knife edge, and not an instant death, but perhaps a slow and painful ideological death for those who kept the faith. We see it being played out in dramatic style on social media and that’s probably in the absence of the greater majority of the population. (The greater majority; I use the term cautiously but with some confidence)
Whether that position on Feminism is correct or not, it is linked (more…)
At the Spring FACT Conference we were very privileged to have the first showing of the video “We Believe You”.
This powerful film gives a voice to those who have been wrongly accused of sexual offences. The victims of wrongful allegations describe their experiences from arrest right to the devastation left in the aftermath of their acquittal. The interviews are extraordinarily moving.
We hope this film will make the general public aware of the terrible suffering caused by false allegations and that such experiences are not ‘very rare’. Politicians will be more likely to make the legal changes necessary to rebalance the justice system if they know they have the support of their voters.
The goal has existed since some time last century. I first encountered the idea when I met Kerry Bevin, who has been and still is I imagine, passionate about the idea.
It had never found any political support before the current Conservative’s recent proposal, as far as I am aware apart from the Republican Party that existed in the early 2000s. Correct me if I’m wrong there.
While I’ve seen, and as we are seeing now, views on why we need a Men’s Ministry I don’t recall anyone expressing views against the idea until one comment in this recent post Ministry for men.
My ambivalence is possibly no more than like others who haven’t thought past; why should it even be necessary?
But when the idea surfaced the initial reaction from some commentators was, without explanation, we don’t need one.
That begs the question, if I thought about this a bit more what might be the reasons for adopting that position.
Help me out here. Why do you think some people would not want a Ministry for Men in the political arena?
It’s that ‘deadbeat dad’ label surfacing again that got my attention – I thought we’d got over the media stigma and use of this term to describe the one bad parent.
The term has risen again in response to the Government’s shift on DPB mother’s not naming the father.
All the help in the world can not help Men once caught up in the Family Justice system, we need to get to Men prior to this with education and the only way change can be made in the system is with time and pressure, pressure from who?, those of us that care and support this petition so that Men have a voice in the system!!!!!!!
A father is taking Customs and Police to court after his wife abducted their 9-year-old son and took him overseas despite a court order banning her from doing so.
The father, whose name is suppressed, obtained an order in February under the Care of Children Act prohibiting his son from being removed from the country until further order of the court.
A border alert was registered with New Zealand Police and Customs, notifying them of the order. (more…)
Readers may remember Ben Easton for a variety of reasons (such as the shadow of his former being emerging from prison after a hunger strike) but perhaps not so much where he came to grief in Wellington as The Political Busker.
The link takes us back to 2006, where Ben made Central Wellington his own version of Hyde Park. The idea of the Political Busker was to bring some truth to the news from the streets. I’m not sure where he is now but after having his benefit cancelled by WINZ I recall reading that his confrontations with the council became increasingly frustrated by court processes and he eventually ended up in prison.
BRING along PEN and PAPER along with a Photograph of your children/child.
This six hour workshop consists of a Morning presentation covering various
areas of parental disputes from break-ups, domestic violence, mediation, parenting orders, courtroom etiquette, parental adjustments through the various stages and some of the effects these disputes have on the children.
The Afternoon session is applying the knowledge in a competitive role play scenario decided by the attendees.
This workshop is facilitated by Frank Hicks and Senior Associate Lawyer Cheryl Simpson.
Dealing with racism and discrimination, and promote racial equity
one-day conference to discuss how to …… 14th June 2019 489 Dominion Rd, Auckland. 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.
Following the Christchurch massacre of March 15, 2019, a wider social awakening has occurred, recognising the pressing need to forge unity amidst our diversity. We want to create a safe platform to establish an open dialogue between Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand to help build a society free of prejudice, racism and hate-based crime.
“Let’s Deal with It: A Trans-Tasman Conference Towards Racial Equity” is a one-day conference focused on creating awareness on the democratic and political processes, promoting active citizenship, encouraging active citizenship within the context of multicultural dialogue and promoting the self-development of refugee and migrant communities. (more…)
It is difficult to get to know or getting to like a stranger who initially you thought you had something in common with.
This site is all inviting, but can be very harsh on character, it is easy to find yourself on the outer, but I have seen forgiveness and lightheartedness amongst the anger, frustration and fear and sadness that comes here too.
It is kinda like peoples from different abandoned towns meeting up, initially liking the company but then retreating to a lonely independence, a shadow of the independence you had before in your community which is now abandoned, you want what you had before and not some kind of replacement therapy.
I guess you have to ask yourself the question, can you continue to live alone, do you want to make a change or build new relationships???
Changing ourselves is so hard, but maybe if we help others to take small steps to better their lives in doing this we can help change our own for the better.
Hi ALL…there is an online PETITION [on the NZ Parliament website and currently open until 31/12/2019] asking the government to fund a MINISTRY FOR MEN as a means to better address ‘Mens Issues’ and the many negative outcomes affecting MEN, their families and society as a whole.
There has been a women’s ministry since 1984 that has provided targeted research, advocacy and advice across government agencies and to politicians regarding women’s issues, and it’s achievements have been impressive. There is still, however, no such ministry advocating for men even though men have poorer health outcomes and die earlier, men’s suicide rates are 2.7 times than that for women, they have much higher homelessness rates, are more likely to use violence and engage in hazardous drinking, etc causing a whole raft of negative outcomes.
Is this FAIR —–>
Extract from the NZ Medical Journal – 6th October 2017, Volume 130 Number 1463
To map the contemporary literature and explore whether the available research meets the needs of men’s health….results of the literature search showed a striking need for research on men’s health issues in which the risks are modifiable. For heart disease, stroke, and to a lesser degree of modifiable lifestyle change, cancer, studies of women’s health outnumbers men’s health by two to one…A further search was made of Health Research Council funding since 2010…reviewed titles and abstracts of all successful applications to identify sex-specific funding. The search revealed that for every $1 spent exclusively on women’s health research, men’s health research received $0.06.
No wonder so many men feel disengaged from the political process, excluded from having a voice and marginalised. Sadly some men resort to extreme violence in response to increasing frustrations with the system.
If you are interested in taking a look at THE BLOG for more information and/or the PETITION itself then here are some links.:
Hi All
I would like recommendations for a good cost effective lawyer for Family Court in Palmerston North as current lawyer not delivering except to keep charging large bills Thx
It’s nothing knew. The vandal of peace, progress, harmony and the habitual human. The symptom is written in history, and back further more than likely in the lost echoes of older stories.
The twentieth year of the new century … The first century of the new millennium, the century of the Chinese, as it has already been dubbed, the obvious and predictable future. Perhaps that is simply redictable, in the inevitable power vacuum of a failing West – we’ve seen it before.
Is that a state of change or simply a temporary disruption?
A hundred years post VE Day (Victory in Europe) and what is the biggest change you see, if you see one, if that’s even on your ever-frustrated busy radar of daily events? There’s thousands of answers to that question, spread amongst our individual freedom, something we shouldn’t take for granted along with our ability to express the same.
Rapid change appears to have a habit of ending in disaster. That, I think is sometimes what we see in history; the visible causes not the hidden reasons.
So, here’s one contemporary change that maybe worth thinking on. (more…)
New Zealand is a small place and most of us know somebody who knows someone else who knows one of your relatives.
For us here we are more likely to know many people who got screwed over by the Family Court, or the ex and her lawyer and your lawyer deciding what was best for your money or your children.
Men have been increasingly on the end of this flea-bag rort since last century or at least 1999, and I don’t think we’re hard to spot. Is it the hunted dog look you leave the fight with that haunts your existence into a new hope … the prospect of a better future?
This petition is not against her speaking! She can speak whatever she wants but inciting violence is NOT ok and is not a joke.
Also, feel free to email the minister of immigration Iain Galloway at this email [email protected] supporting the online petition against Clementine Ford Entry to New Zealand.
Facilitated by Frank Hicks, Self Litigant and Parental Disputes Coach and Cheryl Simpson, Senior Associate Lawyer.
WORKSHOP: Rangitoto #04SLNG
DATE: Saturday 13 April 2019
TIME: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
ADDRESS: 2 Osterley Way, Manukau, Auckland
VENUE: Ngahere Commumities
CONTACT: [email protected] for registration form
COST: Admission by Koha
Light refreshments provided for Morning and Afternoon Tea.
Pay and Display parking across from Venue.
We are increasingly seeing the banner of ANZAC under attack. A subject that’s been raised here several times over recent years, particularly with the 100 year commemorative events being held during 2014 – 2018.
It wasn’t our war. For hundreds of years following the collapse of Rome, wars raged in Europe. Backed by religion, land disputes, historical grievance, and economic disparity; giving rise internationally to hundreds of books, that tried to predict the outcome of that impending and inevitable conflict. Then when the spark ignited that volitile mix, allegiances were formed adding in a new factor; the transition of naval power from wind to combustion engines and oil supplies.
We entered this war by virtue of our relationship (more…)
I have often heard New Zealanders described as Humble, Friendly, not too Outspoken, aparantly this country suffers the ‘tall poppy’ syndrome…I dare say the psych of us is changing, evolving.
We tend not to laud one another,,until some one dies, then we can be all too all over them.
Today on the radio news, the Child’s Commissioner has come out and said there are other ways, other than Police pursuits, to track down certain drivers, often after they fail to stop.
As a Mum of a Son that once was a teenager behind the wheel I shudder every time one of these pursuits end tragically. When our Son achieved his drivers license he was the only one to do so in his peer group, he carraiged his friends around the place, he was often stopped by the police because he was carrying passengers or because of his youth and they were always surprised by his full license. I have never asked him but such harrassment could easily have lead him to the decision not to stop, leading to the chase.
I just really wanted to THANK the Child Commissioner on his stance, we need common sense to be prevailing some where out there, out there where it seems increasingly the voice of the people, common sense, patriotism and humanity is not the common word.
NZ teacher Peter Joyce’s settled life was disrupted when a woman he had never met accused him of historic rape. With a unique brand of angry humour, his diary plots the stages of his despair and traces his attempts to find justice in the face of the current insistence that we must “believe the victim”.
Dry Ice is a compelling memoir, but much more. The accusation made the writer a reluctant expert on similar cases from all over the world. He throws light on everything that limits public knowledge of false sexual allegations, from dangerous counselling to flawed statistics, and he exposes police investigation methods as blinkered, inefficient and insensitive.