We are increasingly seeing the banner of ANZAC under attack. A subject that’s been raised here several times over recent years, particularly with the 100 year commemorative events being held during 2014 – 2018.
It wasn’t our war. For hundreds of years following the collapse of Rome, wars raged in Europe. Backed by religion, land disputes, historical grievance, and economic disparity; giving rise internationally to hundreds of books, that tried to predict the outcome of that impending and inevitable conflict. Then when the spark ignited that volitile mix, allegiances were formed adding in a new factor; the transition of naval power from wind to combustion engines and oil supplies.
We entered this war by virtue of our relationship (more…)
I have often heard New Zealanders described as Humble, Friendly, not too Outspoken, aparantly this country suffers the ‘tall poppy’ syndrome…I dare say the psych of us is changing, evolving.
We tend not to laud one another,,until some one dies, then we can be all too all over them.
Today on the radio news, the Child’s Commissioner has come out and said there are other ways, other than Police pursuits, to track down certain drivers, often after they fail to stop.
As a Mum of a Son that once was a teenager behind the wheel I shudder every time one of these pursuits end tragically. When our Son achieved his drivers license he was the only one to do so in his peer group, he carraiged his friends around the place, he was often stopped by the police because he was carrying passengers or because of his youth and they were always surprised by his full license. I have never asked him but such harrassment could easily have lead him to the decision not to stop, leading to the chase.
I just really wanted to THANK the Child Commissioner on his stance, we need common sense to be prevailing some where out there, out there where it seems increasingly the voice of the people, common sense, patriotism and humanity is not the common word.
It is an obsession.
What else can you call it?
We’re in the grips of obsession.
Here’s an extract from the previous post Crusade For Free Speech
Cowie, who wrote a fictionalised account about his bitter custody dispute with his former wife, says he received no reply to his submission, despite indicating he wanted to make a personal appearance.
Jackson, whose submission quoted Cowie’s self-published Separated with Children, said he was told to excise any reference to Cowie or his submission would be refused.
If you’re following the news this week you will know (more…)
There are many battle fronts when it comes to free speech and the lenses through which it is viewed can be as blinding as they are illuminating. (And I’m sick of losing the updates so I will publish this post then finish it.)
In the view of this website it is often seen in the shadow of the Family Court and its surrounding agencies. Up until now the underlying cause of our concern has often been the biased, blinded, and blood-minded defence of anything female by Feminists but presently we are seeing that battle widen into the ideological arena of identity politics – another issue to be addressed.
I note a recent post on the death of (more…)
We have removed our obituary for Craig due to gross disrespect from a contributor here. Disgusting and upsetting.

We get bombarded by these little digital snapshots of life.
Many of them have spelling mistakes, obviously unintended double meanings in different cultures, if not subtle political messages drilled into them.
Like me, you have probably had enough of these little messages in a square … but some of them can be quite funny, too.
It occurs to me, that we have seen this style of communication in history.
Amongst the political confusion of any age there is undercurrent of social dialogue, such as nursery rhymes, which are very politically charged verses if you relate them to the time frame of their origins.
Then, (more…)
Youth suicide became a dirty word on this site when the country’s political element decided to use these tragedies to deflect attention from the 50 or so casualties each month who are mostly adult men. That was following their attempts to belittle male deaths by turning attention to female attempts or threats of suicide or self-harm.
This on-going battle for recognition of male suicide and it’s long history is briefly discussed in a previous post The Suicide Debate when the death of Greg Boyed disturbed the delicate peace of our political and media manipulation.
Like any dishonesty you never know when the light is going to shine in a dark hole and I am sure I’m not the only one who has been asking themselves where does this go from here?
I’m sure every mother has asked the question; (more…)
I am sure many here know her very well. Clementine Ford
Petition link here
Please sign and share …. it will take only seconds. 300 signatures were done overnight.
In a previous post CGTOW that post considers a point of view that I assume the majority of readers would relate to.
If that was one end of the piece string what would be at the other. I’m not sure myself, so I’m going to pull out a slice of creative writing as starting point.
The other day I read an article (more…)
Some comment is deserved following the horrific Christchurch attack last Friday. Our deep sorrow and sympathy go out to those injured, the families of those killed and all others traumatized in ripple effect. (more…)
Facilitated by Frank Hicks, Self Litigant and Parental Disputes Coach and Cheryl Simpson, Senior Associate Lawyer.
WORKSHOP: Rangitoto #04SLNG
DATE: Saturday 13 April 2019
TIME: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
ADDRESS: 2 Osterley Way, Manukau, Auckland
VENUE: Ngahere Commumities
CONTACT: [email protected] for registration form
COST: Admission by Koha
Light refreshments provided for Morning and Afternoon Tea.
Pay and Display parking across from Venue.
The news is too distressing today, and it’s Friday.
And then I saw this, in relation to our ‘children’s climate change protest’:
John McLeod
Maybe it’s time 16 yr olds got the vote. They are informed and it’s their future. We haven’t done that well.
The merchant of doom.
‘We’ … us men? The collective civilization of the world?
Who is it exactly, (more…)
This recent post MGTOW is a review of Men Going Their Own Way and how that might be now in New Zealand. The acronym only matters to those that write about the subject or those that relate to it. I’m creating a new acronym here but I’ll get to that shortly.
First let’s go back to the time when baby-boomers were of an age to start a family. It was a time of change when some women rather than leaving their career to care for a household and family were looking at other options. It was the age of the nuclear family. Mum, Dad, and two kids. (When our survival rate was considered to be 2.3 children)
It was the age of the totally planned lifestyle. These are your options for this. House ownership, life assurance, retirement funds, most of which was still done on a face to face basis. A lot has changed, and much like MGTOW, only those that relate to the change might write about this.
It was a chance encounter that made me consider this (more…)

Feminism does not like being confronted by facts or reality. Objectivity and truth, without debating the specifics are the realm of progress and unfortunately justice when things don’t go quite right … we’re not perfect.
Recently however there’s been a bit of chaos around the place.
This mish-mash of Intersectional Feminism and Identity Politics has caused confusion amongst their ranks. They’re arguing over the ideological meaning of their own ism. This is good, as a great number of women from different perspectives are shaking their heads and objecting to the profound stupidity. I don’t know about you, but I was more than a little amused by the idea of becoming competent in this stupity in order to defeat it.
I’m not surprised (more…)
It was shortly after separation and free counselling was available through the Family Court in those days. Up to six free sessions but this is at end of last century, so, what happens now – I’m not up to date with the latest on what’s available.
The counsellors were a couple, running their own independent business. I met him, a quiet fellow, marginally older, and he owned that professional aloofness that they hide behind, but with the acumen of a plate glass window. (Slightly (more…)
I walked into the toilets and there was this old guy washing his dick in the handbasin.
It had been mentioned to me a couple of days before that there was an old guy using the toilets as his washroom but I didn’t click that it was the tidy old man that pulled up in his tidy little car and headed to the toilets with a fluffy white bundle.
His little (more…)
I was reminded of this today when a guy told me a joke.
Jamaica $2.30
Babados $2.40
St Kitts $2.50
Naturally I had to ask, what’s this about?
“The (more…)
There is no doubt people at the top of some of the ‘official’ apprenticeship schemes get paid handsomely, i am sure they do a good job.
Although there is an aspect of being “out of date”,… the, pathetic still, wage, paid to an apprentice in his time, a bugbear of mine.
However handing over to the failing numbered Polytechnic is surely to be seen to be radical , and that is putting it nicely.
You would have thought the government would first have spoken in length to the industry leaders and shakers, this is not how to do business, this is a girl hit, but might make money sense, maybe the tax groupie uncovered stuff.
Who knows, I’m not feelin’ the transparency..man.
Feminism hasn’t been a consistent beast – it’s evolved through various stages to the now unfathomable Intersectional Feminism .
Identity Politics, likewise has changed its definition to its current state of ambiguity.
So, in a similar way it’s fair to expect MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) to follow a similar pattern.
When the idea of MGTOW became (more…)
Okay, we love them, we love what they created, who they were, they created history, lauded by many.
The times, their time, threw them up and into the public arena.
No one knew whether or not they were perfect or flawed but one thing for sure is that they were put on a pedestal, their necks were up and out and precariously poised.
The higher they are the hardest they fall.
The , perfect?, people who are (more…)
Link to Purchase

In my wander through the net today, I found a post on this little character.
This text is copied from the purchase site linked to above.
Show anyone with anxiety or depression that it’s ok to say if they don’t feel ok.
Visually show anyone suffering from anxiety or depression that “it’s ok to say if you don’t feel ok”, by displaying one of our black dog stickers or wearing one of our patches, badges or lapel pins (pictured).
You don’t have to be suffering from anxiety or depression yourself in order to wear or display the dancing black dog symbol, because doing so does not mean you are saying “I suffer from anxiety or depression”. Rather, it means you are saying “it’s ok to say if you don’t feel ok” to anyone around you who may be suffering from anxiety or depression. As many as one in four people suffer in silence from depression or anxiety. Sometimes they come across as the happiest person in the room, yet on the inside they are in fact the loneliest.
Postage is free on all orders for lapel pins, badges and stickers – to anywhere in the world.
It is not a NZ promotion but may be of interest to some readers.
Hi Everyone and have just joined as looking for advise regarding protection orders.
After a 2 day hearing I got a Protection Order against my ex wife which covers my new Fiancée, 2 children in my care aged 12 & 10 & myself. Before this my ex had been very aggressive which resulted in a number of attacks against my partner & myself with the final one been assault charges laid against her for attacking myself.
After this event and waiting for (more…)
From the Co-ordinators – Men’s Summit
Men’s Summit Goes South
The New Zealand Men’s Summit 2019 is going south this year to Otago University Rugby clubrooms in Dunedin on Friday 12 April.
It’s time to recognise the male contribution to society as Men Matter Too.
Following successful Men’s Summits in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland, the move to Dunedin is a great opportunity to broaden your men’s network and spend time in the deep South.
Whether you (more…)
Anyone who has been in a long term relationship understands the complications, and the sometimes delicate peace.
There is, what we now call the flick-chick – expect an unpredictable launch at any time.
Now, any good MGTOW will tell you, the first time it happens, RUN! … and don’t look back!
There’s other more delicate versions. Examples you say? Well, (more…)

There’s something that bothers me about this picture but what bothers me more is that I can’t work out what it is, that bothers me.
It’s a female in front of a few guys, no big deal. If it was (more…)