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MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Fri 7th October 2022

Peter Ellis – NOT GUILTY – Psychiatrist Karen Zelas Mislead Court.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 2:44 pm

News Link Here

Postcast here

30 Years of court battles. Why so long?

Who is answerable to Peter Ellis injustice?

Judge blames psychiatrist Karen Zelas

* The Supreme Court has ruled convictions on sex charges against Peter Ellis were based on a miscarriage of justice.

* Ellis was not alive to hear the rulings. He died of bladder cancer in September 2019.

* The court slammed the evidence of “critical” Crown expert witness psychiatrist Karen Zelas as unbalanced and misleading.

* It said parental questioning of the child complainants raised the risk of the children’s evidence being contaminated which was unappreciated at the time.

The Supreme Court says,

“If the jury had been correctly informed of the level of risk, that may have created a reasonable doubt about the allegations made, at least in relation to some of the complainants. As the evidence of the complainants was mutually supportive, the undermining of some of the verdicts necessarily calls into question all the verdicts.”

Fri 30th September 2022

Lee Smith

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 10:05 pm

Matt King finished the evening by bringing the speakers together for a Q and A session. Smith was asked for her thoughts on Education and advocated for greater parental involvement, back to basics on numeracy and literacy, and better trades training for the boys.

Full details available

Sat 24th September 2022

The war on men – Could it be its all about the reduction of men on the planet? The reduction of waste?

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 7:29 am

Ever thought if some of the laws we in the west have to abide with are unreasonable? Is there something not right about that?

Clear examples of this are here.

– If a woman moves into your home after 3 years or less if she has a child, she owns half of what you spent a lifetime building up. Including the stuff in that home. Yes it happens to women too but far less frequently.

– If a woman decides to make an allegation of a sexual nature, does the investigation process alone have the ability to destroy your wellbeing, your place in the community. If such allegations make it to court, almost all (87%) will be found not guilty. Most often a man’s name is published. Is this unreasonable? Does this have the potential to cause a male suicide?

– If your female partner decides its over, she can and will destroy your relationship with your children to get living rights in the property you own with her new man, tax deduction from your income, penalties on penalties. Take years to resolve? Is that unreasonable? The taking away of a loving dads rights to communicate with his child. Does this have the potential to cause a male suicide?

– The level of suicides by males not being address by government. Clearly encouraged and accelerated by the family court.

– The white ribbon slogan “Prevention of violence against women”. Men are excluded because it is thought they can only ever be considered the perpetrators. Does this have the potential to cause a male suicide?

– Ministry for women, but no ministry for men.

– Throughout the world factual evidence with video, photos in family law courts from fathers are ignored while allegations without any evidence are accepted. Does this have the potential to cause a male suicide?

– To lock men up in prisons for decades so they can’t pollute the planet, consuming, driving cars, having children and consuming its resources. Does this have the potential to cause a male suicide?

– Serious crimes women commits are treated, handled differently than mens crimes? Example link here

This is not an extensive list. You can probably think of many more yourself. They are all designed to destroy men’s wealth, future income, their child’s relationship, take on an unfair burden of the tax liability to run the state, limit their options in life with allegations, regardless of the verdict end.

Oddly enough, these laws are mirrored throughout the western world. A world where politicians come and go. But there is one group of people who remain in power with full ownership and control of the media, the banks, the drug companies, the internet and your privacy, the things we buy. They own the lot. They control it.

Could it be all about reducing the planet’s population? To reduce the waste and save our planet? Forcing men to not have children because the personal cost and risk is too high.

Take a peek at the largest dumps in the world. The last one, its location in this clip may surprise you.

Tue 13th September 2022

NZ Rugby penalised $280,000 for not placing 40% woman on its board

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 11:50 pm

NEWS LINK HERE – NZ penalised $280,000 for not reaching gender diversity targets on its board

NZ government mandated 40% women on boards quota by December 2021.

You know, there is a lot of laws being passed by Ardern I do not agree with.

How about just choosing the best person for the job?

If it were me, I’d just carry on and say stick ya money where the sun don’t shine.

Sat 10th September 2022

The Return Of The King(s)

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 7:58 am

News Link Here

For the first time in 70 years a man is the Sovereign of this nation. After him another man, and another man after that.

PM Ardern wants to be the source of all power by becoming a republic. She wants her face stamped on bank notes and coins. For a women that has done so much harm to the nation and its people, I do not want to carry around her mugshot in my wallet. In my view her mismanagement of the economy, social, law has been unprecedented. I give Ardern a rating of unqualified. Some say even criminal and with the evidence I agree.

The Sovereign and the Governor General does have the power to dissolve this Government. Another power Ardern and her like wants to remove from the people of New Zealand. It happened in Australia in 1975.

Ardern sits on her arse saying “Be Kind” ignoring the plight of men, fathers and families. Not even a man who commits suicide on her doorstep is enough to persuade her to legislate relief and support for our gender.

Today I am going to coin a new phrase that more accurately describes Ardern “Be a bitch to men and watch them and their children suffer”.

Thats right Arden – The now grown children hate the life and poverty you forced upon them.

12 months from now, you and your like are going to cast out for your incompetence, bulling of your own MP’s, buying the media with our tax dollars, misleading and hatred of men and their families and a whole host of other crap you have dished out to us.

Ardens legacy will be the worse ever PM this nation has ever had.

Thu 8th September 2022

Barry Soper

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 3:19 pm


We can say that as it wasn’t an accident, and old Bazza seems pretty chuffed with himself.

Just to allay any concerns, he is married and wife Heather is only half his age.

Barry is better known for (more…)

A Rising Rage

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:03 am

Regeneration rather than the next generation. The next generation is in a state of turmoil, and various forms of political rage.

This particular outrage was attached to a tweet from Chris Luxon (Not a political broadcast) I can understand his concerns about education though, when you see this out of the mouths of the next generation of Pacifica.

They’ve been (more…)

Wed 7th September 2022

In the case of Brett Power

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:01 am

Court Case: Hawea 23rd of September. At least he’s getting quick access to justice. Not guilty trial in the same month.

Sun 4th September 2022

Dad Joke Day

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:17 am

    Dad Jokes

    Hit us with your best “Dad Joke”

Sat 3rd September 2022

Father And Son – Flight of the Conchords

Filed under: General — JohnPotter @ 7:36 pm

Trigger Warning: the lyrics of this song may cause distress to a father in the throes of a traumatic separation.

But it is also very funny, so I hope it will give some of you a laugh on Father’s Day. (more…)

Fri 2nd September 2022

Jordan Peterson is coming to NZ in November 2022

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 12:16 pm

Jordan Peterson is coming to New Zealand in November 2022.

If you attend, you will be in good company as the person sitting next to you is likely to think the same as you.

Nov. 17th 2022 – Christchurch, NZ | Christchurch Town Hall
Nov. 19th 2022- Auckland, NZ | Spark Arena
Nov. 21st 2022- Wellington, NZ | Michael Fowler Centre

Tickets start at NZ$89.00

To book, click the following link.

All Events

More about the Professor here

Wed 31st August 2022

The Importance Of Fathers

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 8:40 pm

US Statistics

75% Of long term correctional facilities inmates are from father absent households
90% Of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes.

Children from fatherless homes are;

120% Greater risk of being endangered by some type of child abuse.
4.6x More likely to commit suicide
10.8x More likely to commit rape
15.5x More likely to end up in prison

Mahelino Patelesio

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 3:05 am

Courage Under Fire … is a story that starts out in another place:

Imagine yourself with a partner and two children living the quiet life in a tropical paradise when the local village-council announces that, you must be jabbed with a needle of their choosing, in order to remain part of the community. If you refuse, you are to be put in customary isolation in your own home, with restricted communication and only the food supplied to you … read more about that here

Now that you know Mahelino a little better you may think he is a foreigner in a far away place. He’s a Kiwi, of Tokelau descent, who moved from New Zealand in 2017 to build a retirement home in Tokelau. He’s a born and bred New Zealand citizen who has managed to find himself a different form of persecution in a vacuum called a New Zealand dependency where he is a resident in isolation away from our domestic laws.

This week things got a whole lot worse. (more…)

Mon 29th August 2022

The Witches Coven

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:24 am

AM I A MISOGYNIST? … no, i’m just a witch doctor.

If you’ve been paying attention, and not that you should need to, but if you have been watching New Zealand news lately with a WTF is going on, running through your mind, it’s because you’re watching the most disturbing media spectacle we’ve seen in this country.

It’s no (more…)

Sat 27th August 2022

Suitcase Homicides

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:23 am

Who was mum about this one?

Thu 25th August 2022

Camilla Duchess of Cornwall loosed her cousin Mr Charles Villiers to suicide during 8 years divorce battle

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 10:48 pm

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall looses her cousin Mr Charles Villiers to suicide during 8 years divorce battle. Recently Mr Villiers was declared bankrupted.

Mr John Heppell wrote a comment “Yet again a man is driven to poverty by a judicial system that cannot cope with a simple concept – equality means ex wives standing on their own feet, not treating ex husbands as their personal slaves. In this case it is clear the man needed maintenance from the woman for the rest of his life.”

At the time of writing, his comment reached 4793 votes for and 313 against.
A is clear, public opinion has moved vastly against this outdated concept.

Sat 20th August 2022

Peter Boshier

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:40 am

Currently the Chief Ombudsman but he’s been an exploraire man and every where man from family court judge to its principal, law commissioner, White Ribbon Chairhuman, and in the end to his banished and insignificant post looking after our official information distribution.

Any long time visitors to the MENZ site, would probably identify Boshier as one of the most hated persons in New Zealand history but he’s not scared to gather enemies.

History will tell you, he was the second judge on the protest list after Jan Doogue when the Separated Fathers Support Trust (SFST) started protests outside judge’s homes, late last Century. But wait there’s … (more…)

Tue 16th August 2022

Man Drought – Caused by Family Court

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 8:41 pm

Women – ever wonder why you can’t move into his home?

All your questions are answered by this Canadian man.

Mr Richard Cooper starts off a little slow but I promise you it does windup. Real live examples. Interviews with young men calling in, receiving advice. A few awful suicide stats to boot. 400+ watched this live. New Zealand men gets a mention.

Society breaks down when the family unit breaks down. Just look at the crime we now have in NZ. The gangs are running a muck.

If you want a pleasant a well behaved society with well-behaved children growing into responsible adults, change the law to protect a persons assets and enforce equal after divorce custody.

One notable comment on the you tube channel follows….

“If you want to scare the shit out of your 18 year old son, as he’s kinda graduating High School, take him to a family court afternoon and just sit in there and watch what happens to guys. Let him see what happens to guys.” – Should be mandatory. There should be a class in all this stuff that a man either has to take in high school or before getting married. Imagine how up in arms women would be if you tried to do that, though, i.e. tell young men the truth.

Mon 15th August 2022

Ministry of Bullying

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 8:53 am

Ministry of Bullying New Zealand

Sat 13th August 2022

Feminism TikTok

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 7:56 am

Giving this a run to see if it works here.

Thu 11th August 2022

Policies designed by women and feminists to mentally abuse men and boys.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 12:11 pm

Dame Bettina Arndt interviews former deputy Prime Minister Mr John Anderson re mens and boys abuse by women and the state.

In 1996 the Governments Australian institute of health and welfare published their findings.

* Mothers are twice as much likely to be responsible for domestic abuse and neglect.
* 73% of abuse and neglect found mothers were the perpetrators.
* 68% of mothers were responsible for emotional and psychological abuse
* 53% of mothers executed physical abuse.
* 93% of neglect was from mothers and children.
* The greatest risk of sexual abuse was from mums boyfriend.

Legislation created based upon fabricated statistics and facts. Uncheck policies designed by women and feminists to mentally abuse men and boys. Research found more often domestic violence is initiated by women to claim domestic abuse. 2 way domestic violence research studies are being ignored.

Reaching the ears and support of the most senior members of the Australian political parties is a huge credit for Dame Bettina.

The feminists are nothing more than a hate group that has established themselves as the Government.

It’s an hour long. But it is a worthwhile hour.

If this nation wants to reduce children falling into gangs and extreme violence the political parties need to work harder at keeping families together.

What we now have is smashing fathers property and parental rights and dishing out extreme mental abuse to men and boys. If you want men and boys to turn out responsible caring human beings, treat them, their property and parental rights with respect.

Australia cancelled the family court. Why is Australia moving on and New Zealand MP’s haven’t worked it out.

There is no more need for a ministry for women.

It is nothing short of bizarre to say women must be believed. That is saying, women can’t and do not lie.

The Australian institute of health and welfare still carry out their role. They have not published a report since 1996.

Fri 29th July 2022

Children searching for their biological family – Trying to workout what to say when they meet dad for the first time

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 8:15 am

At age 16 Canadian Miss Robyn Slade released her third single “Hey”. A duet featuring Clint Curtis, tells the story of a young girl meeting her father for the very first time.

Clint sings the part of the father, Robyn the part of the child who never met her dad until she decided to find him.

“Hey” soared on social media platforms capturing the hearts of thousands worldwide, especially those searching for their biological family. The song was picked up by film producers in the United States and is now featured in the full length film documentary “Erasing Family” released April 2020.

Special message to all you judges who blatantly ignore evidence in order to destroy the father financially and his child’s relationship. The children are growing up. A new generation is coming. Their hurt, their story, their loss of their childhood and father will be made public.

Here’s the rub, the parents and child have name suppression, the judges and lawyers do not.

Wed 27th July 2022

Jim Bailey

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 7:05 am

A legend has left us.

Sadly, the other Jim has now passed away. Funeral details from Javan:

A service for Jim will be held at Romaleigh, 31 Ocean View Rd, Northcote on Friday 29 July 2022 at 12.30pm.

I have contact details available for Javan.

There was always confusion between the two Jims, the other being Jim Bagnall who has a
Page of Remberance back in 2016.

Jim Bailey in his earlier days at a family court protest in Albert St, Auckland.



Before I say something about James A K Bailey, otherwise known as, Jim the Bailey, or JimBWarrior, a little about, “The Two Jims”.
The two Jims were both very visible characters. Both had protest vehicles and both were active protestors with a common enemy. (more…)

Fri 22nd July 2022

The March of Men

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 12:49 pm


I don’t know anything about this. It’s currently of NZ social media.

Parental Alienation – Children speak out against parental alienation.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 12:05 am

This video link starts with a presentation from Jan James. Says we need to stop listing to feminism ideology. Says one in ten children now have mental health.

From minute 23 – Very sobering interviews with the now grown children.

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