MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Archive of General

Without Fear but Plenty of Favour

Sat 25th February 2023:

Young woman who drove drunk and kicked a police officer walks from court with clean slate WTF?! Some cases of compassion towards female offenders might be supported if, and only if, male offenders would have the same chance of being shown compassion, but of course that’s not the case. However, it’s difficult under any circumstances […]

Another extreme feminist and ideologist is tossed out

Thu 16th February 2023:

Sturgeon Quits Hot on the heals of Ardern, Sturgeon no longer has the support to rule over others. I am reminded Mr Alex Salmond was the First Minister of Scotland until a false allegation ended his career. Sturgeon put the boot in publicly. Just look at the massive number of down arrows. The world is […]

Dilworth Shame

Tue 7th February 2023:

Article in NZ Herald In a statement, Dilworth Trust Board chairman Aaron Snodgrass said: “While this is a step towards justice for Old Boy survivors, nothing we can do today can undo the past. The Trust Board is deeply saddened and disappointed this offending occurred.”

The Duluth Model – Why the narrator calls them feminists bigots

Mon 6th February 2023:

I did not agree with the swastika. But after viewing the clip I can draw a parallel between racism and the hate and persecution of the male gender. I took a closer look and realised it is a combination of the symbol for women with the swastika in it. That was the moment I understood, […]

Sat 4th February 2023:

OK so you might recall I posted a video on an Australian senator inquiry into and review of the family law and courts in OZ. There were 29 submissions. 29 Recommendation here This is just a follow up on what happened to that inquiry. Lee Derrickson reports 1. The government removed all the tragic […]

Teenage Murderers

Sat 28th January 2023:

This Court of Appeal judgement quashed the life sentences of three teenage murderers and replaced them with finite sentences and shorter non-parole periods.

What Men Have Lost

Wed 25th January 2023:

I’m cautious about memes, they can often have multiple meanings and liking them reflects your personal point of view, and sometimes not what the meme is trying to achieve. Sometimes one that I think has a genuine well intentioned perspective will catch my eye, such as this one. Feminists have wasted our time.

NZ Media Again

Tue 24th January 2023:

The spiraling insanity around the resignation of New Zealand’s prime minister has reached epic levels of exaggeration and misinformation. It’s important to realise how damaged New Zealand’s media industry currently is and that this situation does represent an embarrassing circumstance for many people in the industry. When Ardern herself made a statement

2 Sorry Letters

Mon 23rd January 2023:

Before he took his life a man wrote 2 letters to his beloved children the family court said he could no longer be part of their lives. Dear Cathy, I hope that one day you’ll be able to understand. Take care of your sister. I’ll always love you. Dad. Princess, I’m so sorry. You’ll learn […]

Jacinda Quits

Fri 20th January 2023:

Jacinda Ardern is quitting as New Zealand prime minister ahead of this year’s election saying she no longer has “enough in the tank” to lead. If you don’t have anything nice to say, best to say nothing at all – what your mother would say? Frankly, I can find very little to say about Ardern […]

To be or Not to Be

Mon 9th January 2023:

To Be or Not to Be The story of Hamelet as told by Shakespeare. Follow the above link. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow What The Heart Of The Young Man Said To The Psalmist. Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream! For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what […]

Power and Control

Sun 25th December 2022:

A century before Duluth.

SUPERVISED CONTACT IS STATE-IMPOSED PARENTAL ALIENATION. Supervisor agency says 80% of fathers simply don’t need supervised access.

Wed 23rd November 2022:

Bettina talks with lawyer Michael Jose about our shameful supervised contact services whereas the family law system conspires with a malicious mother to teach the children that their father is dangerous. That the children might be hurt if that supervisor is not there to protect them. Michael Jose says I think it’s one of the […]

The Rugby World Cup

Fri 11th November 2022:

Radio NZ and other mainstream media are referring to ‘The Rugby World Cup’ final being held this weekend. Actually, it’s the Women’s Rugby World Cup, but that qualification is now deliberately avoided to try to elevate the significance of this tournament as equal to or greater than the established Rugby World Cup.

Parental Rights vs Presumed Best Interests of the Child

Mon 24th October 2022:

A couple of current news stories deserve comment. Firstly, this story tells of a Family Court judge who decided it was in the best interests of the child to order in favour of mummy’s preference to send a 5-year-old daughter to a school closer to mummy’s place even though her siblings all went to a […]

Dame Bettina Arndt interviewed.

Sun 16th October 2022:

Dame Bettina Arndt at her best.

Government reveals changes from 2018 Family Court review will take up to 10 years.

In 2019 a Government report prompted change to the family court system. Andrew Little said “There are incredible delays in the family court and particularly where children are concerned, that’s not fair. The children can’t sit around for 12 months waiting for their parents to sort out their issues, that’s too longer period of time […]

Tough love dad arrested and charged.

Thu 13th October 2022:

Out of control child disciplined by dad. Child calls separated mum – mum tells child to call police. See video to find out what happen next.

Domestic Violence – All women must be believed.

Tue 11th October 2022:

In NSW Australia. * Husband has doubts about his wife sincerity wants. Consults a lawyer. * Husband comes home to find his home wrecked. * His wife said to him, “you think you are smart, and you are talking to lawyers about me. Now see what i can do to you” * Wife runs to […]

Debunking Shaken Baby Syndrome

Since the 1980s, thousands of parents whose children have died have been charged with murder because a doctor testifies that they have violently shaken their baby. These “expert witnesses” would demonstrate in court by vigorously shaking a doll. In 1986 Dr John Plunkett was one of the first to question the validity this syndrome. a […]

Jordan Peterson – Says young men are alienated.

Sun 9th October 2022:

Jordan talks about how young men are demoralised with casual insults from women. When asked to explain why he supports men he becomes emotionally upset and said the now marginalised, alienated young men should have a voice and women are opposed to that.

Peter Ellis – NOT GUILTY – Psychiatrist Karen Zelas Mislead Court.

Fri 7th October 2022:

News Link Here Postcast here 30 Years of court battles. Why so long? Who is answerable to Peter Ellis injustice? Judge blames psychiatrist Karen Zelas * The Supreme Court has ruled convictions on sex charges against Peter Ellis were based on a miscarriage of justice. * Ellis was not alive to hear the rulings. He […]

Lee Smith

Fri 30th September 2022:

Matt King finished the evening by bringing the speakers together for a Q and A session. Smith was asked for her thoughts on Education and advocated for greater parental involvement, back to basics on numeracy and literacy, and better trades training for the boys. Full details available

The war on men – Could it be its all about the reduction of men on the planet? The reduction of waste?

Sat 24th September 2022:

Ever thought if some of the laws we in the west have to abide with are unreasonable? Is there something not right about that? Clear examples of this are here. – If a woman moves into your home after 3 years or less if she has a child, she owns half of what you spent […]

NZ Rugby penalised $280,000 for not placing 40% woman on its board

Tue 13th September 2022:

NEWS LINK HERE – NZ penalised $280,000 for not reaching gender diversity targets on its board NZ government mandated 40% women on boards quota by December 2021. You know, there is a lot of laws being passed by Ardern I do not agree with. How about just choosing the best person for the job? If […]

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