Mon 24th March 2025:
Although [Louise] Woodward’s case put a spotlight on the questionable science behind shaken baby syndrome, today, mothers, fathers, and caregivers are still being prosecuted for it. It is estimated that over the decades thousands have been accused, and many convicted, of harming or killing a child by shaking.
Sun 3rd December 2023:
The 2023 observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Men was held on November 17, with related International Men’s Day events taking place in Australia, Germany, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, India, Nigeria, and many other countries around the world. The highlight of IDEVAM-2023 was release of the “MEN TOO – Domestic […]
Thu 30th November 2023:
The current committee is in unanimous agreement that the [1995] award was not justified. As such, we would like to apologise to the authors of the report. And, as a way to publicly hold ourselves to account, the 2023 Bent Spoon is awarded to ourselves – the NZ Skeptics – for our “lack of critical […]
Tue 4th July 2023:
The long-lasting effects of parental alienation are revealed by a woman who became alienated from her father at the age of nine: “I’ve spent most of my childhood, adolescence, and teenage years grappling with self-esteem issues, anxiety, depression, eating issues, difficulty managing relationships, trust issues.”
Mon 6th February 2023:
I did not agree with the swastika. But after viewing the clip I can draw a parallel between racism and the hate and persecution of the male gender. I took a closer look and realised it is a combination of the symbol for women with the swastika in it. That was the moment I understood, […]
Tue 11th October 2022:
Since the 1980s, thousands of parents whose children have died have been charged with murder because a doctor testifies that they have violently shaken their baby. These “expert witnesses” would demonstrate in court by vigorously shaking a doll. In 1986 Dr John Plunkett was one of the first to question the validity this syndrome. a […]
Sat 9th October 2021:
A new report by the Coalition to End Domestic Violence (CEDV) shows that men are not the most common perpetrators Domestic Violence but are targeted in service of feminist and socialistic agendas. CEDV Report: Thirty Years of Domestic Violence Half-Truths, Falsehoods, and Lies [485KB PDF]
Tue 24th December 2019:
Having spent 3 years in a relationship with someone (and having a child together) only to find that you have been accused of assault after separation can be rough. Having met my ex-partner while working as a teacher, we fell in love very quickly. The relationship was a wirlwind of ups and downs but that’s […]
Sun 12th May 2019:
Hi ALL…there is an online PETITION [on the NZ Parliament website and currently open until 31/12/2019] asking the government to fund a MINISTRY FOR MEN as a means to better address ‘Mens Issues’ and the many negative outcomes affecting MEN, their families and society as a whole. There has been a women’s ministry since 1984 […]
Mon 18th February 2019:
A letter via the MENZ contact form. A lesson on how to use WordPress anonymously is probably not what this man needs right now, so I’m posting this on his behalf in the hope he might gain some useful response. His letter is one of the clearest expositions of how women on temporary visas are […]
Sat 15th December 2018:
Our heartfelt empathy goes out to the family and associates of Grace Millane. Losing one’s child must be one of the most traumatic experiences humans can face. The unpleasant circumstances of Grace’s case can only serve to increase the pain and devastation. Much of the NZ population has experienced deep sadness, shame and anger. Grace […]
Sun 18th November 2018:
‘Snapped’ is an interesting tv series shown on the free-to-air ‘Bravo’ channel. Although suffering from American production style with too much repetition, it’s quite well done in general, not too hyped up, very factual, including real footage of police interviews and detailed descriptions of the police investigations and evidential developments. The series focuses on murders […]
Sun 4th November 2018:
I know this site has some great minds and maybe a few retired people that can dedicate a substantial amount of time for the benefit of others. I think, in my not so humbled mind that what we need is a dedicated working group to offer submissions on all things affecting the population of NZ. […]
Fri 19th October 2018:
What: Guardians of our Children “Make Them Proud” Self-litigation workshop When: Saturday 27th October Time: 9am – 3pm Where:
Sun 14th October 2018:
( only one named mama could get away with a post like this here,,so here goes) I was talking with people the other day about the great need to look after yourself when you get caught up in the system. Some people will not have the luxury of time to find wisdom and they need […]
Sat 13th October 2018:
1. The DVA requires the Court to determine matters on the standard of ‘proof’ called the balance of probabilities. This may be suitable for legal decision making in some areas and perhaps for a strictly time-limited non-contact order in relationship conflict situations, but it’s inadequate and unjust when used to deprive or limit in ongoing […]
Tue 2nd October 2018:
This workshop is being organised by Frank Hicks. Frank recently spoke at the conference in Wellington organised by Kidz Need Dadz. He was very well received at the conference and brings a wealth of knowledge, he loves to share his knowledge in order to help anyone going through the Family Court process. The workshop […]
Mon 3rd September 2018:
I THINK NOT….There is far toooo much to say, and some of you guys, have seen and said sooo much. FAMILY COURT NZ… Please do not treat all Men as violent, they are Fathers, Brothers, Sons, Uncles, Tax Payers and People. Please be eloquent in your approach to a family situation and uphold the respect […]
Fri 24th August 2018:
FamilyJusticeReforms FamilyJusticeReforms [email protected] Hi any one and every one,,,,,join in the conversation,, these guys want submissions from any one that has had experience with the system. I have just received an email thanking me for my email/submission and they have asked me to answer some more specific questions in due course. Im my submission I […]
Fri 17th August 2018:
This article highlights problems in the way our media and feminist groups approach family violence.
Tue 26th June 2018:
Does anyone know how many mens DV shelters there are in NZ…say compared to womens DV shelters? I realise they are grossly under represented but would like to find out exactly what the figures are, and where the information can be sourced. Additionally would be useful to have an idea of what kind of comparative […]
Fri 15th June 2018:
New Bill put forward by the Greens (Jan Logie MP), and it’s passing appears to be imminent: Jan Logie states “The bill would extend leave provisions to include domestic violence leave as when women leave a violent situation it can be very hard for them to juggle court, counselling, housing and the needs of their […]
Fri 27th April 2018:
TV3 The Project yesterday had a sympathy based item about how men have it so easy after separation and women need more Government supports with no strings attached.
Tue 3rd April 2018:
Warwick Pudney is profiled in the autumn 2018 AA magazine, as part of their feature “We can be heros”. Warwick will be speaking at the NZ Men’s Summit 2018 this Friday 6th April. His presentation is titled: A short history of the Family Violence Industry and a glimpse of the Future for Working with Intimate […]
Sun 25th March 2018:
The NZ Men’s Summit 2018 is on Friday 6th April, the Friday after Easter, so sign up today! Those who have registered to attend already include leading lights of the NZ men’s movement.