Archive of Boys / Youth / Education
Why Men & Boys Are Struggling and No One Cares – Dr Warren Farrell
I am a BOY,,, how am I supposed to be??????
Ministry for Men
https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/petitions/document/PET_87709/petition-of-stephan-mazur-create-a-ministry-for-men PLEASE MAKE A DIFFERENCE, IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU HAVE TRIED TO GET A VOICE, THIS WILL GET TO PARLIAMENT, BUT IT CANNOT BE LAUGHED OUT OF PARLIAMENT, NOW IS THE TIME…AND NOW…AND NOW. SEND THIS PETITION AROUND…NOW. All the help in the world can not help Men once caught up […]
The online Petition to Jacinda asking for a MINISTRY FOR MEN
Hi ALL…there is an online PETITION [on the NZ Parliament website and currently open until 31/12/2019] asking the government to fund a MINISTRY FOR MEN as a means to better address ‘Mens Issues’ and the many negative outcomes affecting MEN, their families and society as a whole. There has been a women’s ministry since 1984 […]
Psuedo Academics teaching hands on skills…
Men’s Summit 2019 !
Program-and-Registration From the Co-ordinators – Men’s Summit Men’s Summit Goes South The New Zealand Men’s Summit 2019 is going south this year to Otago University Rugby clubrooms in Dunedin on Friday 12 April. It’s time to recognise the male contribution to society as Men Matter Too. Following successful Men’s Summits in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland, […]
Submissions and concerted action about Crown accountability
Guardians of our Children,,self litigation workshop
Meditation..no not mediation..”MEDITATION”
FamilyJusticeReforms FamilyJusticeReforms [email protected] Hi any one and every one,,,,,join in the conversation,, these guys want submissions from any one that has had experience with the system. I have just received an email thanking me for my email/submission and they have asked me to answer some more specific questions in due course. Im my submission I […]
Men Make Better Teachers
Recently I remembered back to my school years and recalled how much I enjoyed my male teachers and one nun! Anyway I decided to scan the net to see what people thought of the differences between men and women as teachers and came up over numerous articles that men were resoundingly said to better. More […]
What’s your name, who’s your Daddy , does he look like me?
Ideas from the Fathering Forum 2006
Ideas from the Fathering Forum 2006 [Authors name not included, due to possible privacy issues.] This document was salient in 2006. In the years that have gone by, I believe that it is just as salient today. I guess some progress has been made in some areas, but nothing like what should have been. In […]
Girls’ Rock Camp
Stepfather-Stepson Relational Study
Hi, my name is Sebastian Nunez and I’m a Psychology Honours student at AUT. As part of my dissertation, I am exploring the perspectives of stepfathers on building positive relationships with their stepsons (with the help of my supervisors Rhoda Scherman and Warwick Pudney). As a stepson myself, I found the information on the topic […]
Preventing adolescent relationship abuse and promoting healthy relationships
Media have given publicity to a NZ Family Violence Clearinghouse paper recently prepared by Dr Melane Beres called “Preventing adolescent relationship abuse and promoting healthy relationships”. The paper is an opinion piece citing various research papers of varying quality in support. This may have been lost on journalists who attributed various statistics to the ‘report’s […]
Child Support after 18 when child is doing correspondence school papers
Pussywhipped men please apply!
Fathers’ Day Weekend Activities
For those who are lucky enough to have their children this weekend, or any who seek comeraderie in positive activities for families… Father and Child and Family Start Manukau offer free fishing on Sat. off the old Mangere bridge 10am – 2pm – free bait and a few free lines.. Plus Fathers’ Day BBQ / […]
Another Pussy Pass –
Easily forgotten – Disadvantaged Groups & Important Thanks
I was listening to a group of people talking about the difficulties to obtain support for a charity, that gives them support. I had heard similar discussions on several occasions, over several months. After hearing the same type of conversation for the 4th time, it really hit me how harsh their situation was and how […]