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MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Sun 18th June 2023

Marxism – The seizure and the means to control another mans production.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 11:03 pm

OK so let’s talk about some of the nonsense the working men have to put up with, who is behind it and where is all leading, has lead.

Dr James Lindsay said Woke is the new name for Marxism. The seizure and the means to control another mans production.

He said the working class is no longer going to be the base of the revolution. In other words, we don’t have to be responsible to the working class any more. Said that the energy is somewhere else. It is in the racial minorities, the sexual minorities the feminists, the outsiders. That’s who has the energy for a revolution. In other words, we don’t have to be responsible to the working class any more.

Do you feel it’s right your house and belongings are 50% owned by your girlfriend after 3 years or less, just because she shared your bed for 4 days a week? 100% owned if there is a without application to the family court until the kids turn 19, and they’re not even your kids! The feminists are a minority.

Here is another example explained by an ex Judge. Do you think it right one race of people own and control fresh water, waste water, the ocean, the fish, steam? I seem to recall the men dug those trenches, installed, maintained the pipes, plant and pumps. The taxpayer and not one race paid for it.

The Leighton Smith – Former Judge Podcast – A must-hear

How about the health system reform? Another minority having the say.

Maori Health Authority

Finally, how about the minority of people who arranged this nonsense in our schools?

All minorities in society. Those who don’t pay or work for it. Woke is the new name for Marxism. The seizure and the means to control another mans production.

There should be a law for all political parties. If you didn’t campaign on it, you have to ask the people. i.e. no hidden agendas.

SOS (Not The ABBA Song)

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 2:26 pm

Save our Selfs

The answer is, that it didn’t for Stalin himself who died in paranoid fear of life itself being taken from him by others who followed in his footsteps.

Fri 16th June 2023

Meng Foon Resigns

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 5:27 pm

Fri 26th May 2023


Filed under: General — Downunder @ 7:32 pm

Confusing as life may be sometimes I found this extraordinarily interesting.

Looking at democratic journalism in a similar way to NZDSOS (NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science) that is a rebellion against insanity.

Insanity in its original definition was, (more…)


Filed under: General — Downunder @ 7:50 am

In a perfect world men would be in love with all woman but chose only one to be their life partner.

Mon 22nd May 2023

Prostate Update

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 7:41 am


A World Renown Prostate Expert at the Harvard Medical Center has discovered a “Zero-Gravity Hack” that Astronauts use at NASA that can help men relieve prostate problems.

Frustrating I’m sure, if you hit the play button and found it was a picture. Not recently but I have clicked into a couple of these links but never got to the end of one which have been endless waffle about what they are about to say.

The frequency of these advertisements has increased, possibly because the internet knows my age but otherwise it’s not something I search or show any current interest in.

Quite the opposite, I’m getting annoyed by the quantity of these prostate promotions.

I’m aware the thinking was evolving about 6 yesrs back and I haven’t kept up to date with the changes.

Anyone reliably informed about the post covid prostate position.

Tue 16th May 2023

Loafers Lodge

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 6:27 pm

I am going to take a guess that most if not all the dead from the Wellington hostel fire overnight will be male.

I noted also that the cause is being treated as suspicious.

The firefighter who led first crew into Loafers Lodge said his crew [is] struggling to deal with the aftermath. Clark Townsley told RNZ they were met with extremely challenging conditions as the fire pushed them back.

Wednesday 17th May

Link to RNZ story

Update regarding arrest during the week.

Sun 23rd April 2023

Woman Who Pretended To Be A Man Dies By Assisted Suicide After Realising How Difficult It Was To Be One

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 12:18 am

News Link Here

Journalist Norah Vincent and author of Self Made Man wanted to experience life as the opposite gender so she could write about it.

Male privilege in the modern era is a myth. In 2020, it was found that 70% of homeless individuals were men. Men are four times more likely to commit suicide than women. Men make up 80% of all murder victims worldwide. Men make up just over half of the workforce, and yet they make up 90% of all workplace fatalities.

53 Year old Norah Vincent ended her life by assisted suicide after realising how difficult it was to be one.

Fri 14th April 2023

Parental Alienation – The grown child’s view.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 9:14 am

Mothers do it for property, accommodation, income, resentment and spite. Fathers are the falsely persecuted, children are the victims. But it doesn’t end there. That is just the beginning of a lifetime of suffering for father and child.

This clip is of a man who found out he was cheated out of a childhood without his dad. He thought his dad was the enemy. A very bad person. Someone not to be trusted. Not to have any contact with. The alienation was not only with child but mutual friends, family and school teachers.

As time allowed, eventually this child regained his relationship with his dad.

But it does not always end in the way it did for this father child relationship. Seeing his children from a distance. His child, children being raised by another. Stolen assets, his belongings and drained of his ongoing income. No decent place to live. Death by their own hand often takes the father and sometimes the child.

Now we have a huge number of fatherless children and all the problems that lead on from that. Poverty, homelessness, serious youth crime, drugs, gangs and mental health. Mental health is the politically correct way of saying suicide or thoughts of.

What sort of society legislates this to happen? Our elected New Zealand politicians do, and they have been doing it for decades.

Sun 9th April 2023

In the Extreme

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:55 am

Covid Vaccine Wise

In the extreme her young man was prohibited from using a public toilet during what Murfitt describes as “The irrational and discrimatory traffic light system” that former prime minister, Jacinda Ardern and former Director General of Health, Ashley Bloomfield used to support New Zealand’s vaccine rollout.

Earlier today, I saw another meme of an an ANZAC soldier dragging a wounded buddy, and a comment that read something like,

You don’t know what you’re capable of
until you have no other option

What concerns me this weekend in particular is the sudden blanket mainstream pitch from the Government Disinformation Project about the rise of Disinformation and what should be subject to censorship.

More pecisely the argument that brought Musolini to power in Italy a century ago.

A female lawyer defending her disabled son in extreme circumstances and that could be subject to censorship and the rest of the world is looking at NZ aghast in the same manner Italy was viewed a century ago.

There we have it gentlemen and what are we to do?

Sit on our emasculated arses and say nothing, see nothing, do nothing?

Sat 8th April 2023

Feminism are selling something women who are not going to be happy about later in their life.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 10:35 pm

A calm and non-vindictive clip on how it works out for many women.

Sadly, they only find out when it’s too late.

Fri 7th April 2023

What kind of society allows government actors to abuse children and parents?

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 12:34 am

Firstly, I am not advocating for a single political party. But I am aware a minority party destroyed the family court in Australia. A powerful example of the tail wagging the dog that brought the family court, barristers and FC judges to their knees.

The election is now just 6 months away. Once every 3 years, we the public get to vote in who we think might make our lives and NZ better. When we vote, at that moment it is virtually the beginning and end of our input into democracy for another 3 years.

So that got me thinking who is going to make mens, fathers and childrens lives better? I searched up a few important things that would be of benefit. I never use google anymore as I know exactly how it works in my industry. You would be very surprised who your searchers and activity is being sold to. That and often two people searching the same thing receive different results based upon their history. I choose to use based out of Switzerland. That doesn’t always work because they restrict some words.

There are a lot of needy things we are all looking for. Things like lower taxes, better medical, retirement age, less woke. What’s annoying you or the nation most?
My search resulted in a couple of articles.

Scoop News

Some abstracts from 2003.

ACT New Zealand Social Welfare Spokesman Dr Muriel Newman today called on the Government to make provision for shared parenting in its Care of Children Bill – to avoid New Zealand mirroring Australia, where family law is driving many fathers to suicide.

“According to Australian statistics, males aged 25-44 are most at risk of suicide. Research shows that relationship breakdown – exacerbated by experiences with the family law system have been identified as major trigger factors,” Dr Newman said.

“In New Zealand, our latest statistics show that the group most at risk of suicide is also males aged 25-44, with 192 males committing suicide – 82 percent higher than any other group. Since the median age for male divorce in 1999 was 41, it is obvious that men in the 25-44 age bracket are most at risk from the highly traumatic ordeal of family breakdown.
“You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realise that, with sole maternal custody being the predominant outcome of Family Court custody battles, many of these fathers faced with losing all effective contact with their children – find it all too difficult to handle and take their lives.

That was 20 years ago. I don’t know if that is their policy now.

In 2018 LETTER: Dysfunctional family courts destroying lives USA.

Dysfunctional family courts destroying lives

Some abstracts.

More than $100 billion is spent on divorce and child custody matters annually. It costs the public over $20 billion for false allegations of domestic violence which occur in over 80% of all divorces. Family Courts cause death; 20,000 men/fathers are committing suicide because family courts prevent them from seeing their children without cause or unlawfully arrest them in civil matters for support. It is institutional killing of children and parents.

What kind of society allows government actors to abuse children and parents, even causing death? Socialist totalitarian regimes of the past did this to groups of people. The actual definition of this is genocide through official acts. The longer the state engages in social engineering of families, it delays the day that the state is out of the killing business of families. Death is a product of state Family Courts and its judges and attorneys. They view it as the cost of doing business in the ever expanding fraud business model that is styled as “family court.” and it’s effort to socially engineer American society.

Children and parents will be reduced in health, well-being and reduced to poverty after contact with State Family Court Public Officials and its employees. You can’t reform a judge who is also a criminal. You can’t reform an attorney who is also a criminal. You can’t reform a corrupt, malicious, mentally disturbed parent which usually make the family court scheme more successful for the State. You have to jail these people for long stretches and fine them heavily.

Wed 5th April 2023

Jacinda Ardern – The Toxic Empathy of New Zealand’s 40th Prime Minister

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 7:25 am

Today, Wednesday 5th April 2023, Jacinda Ardern will deliver her valedictory speech to the New Zealand House of Representative having stood down as Prime minister in a surprise announcement on January 17th.

A question in my mind remains unanswered as to whether that was a willing departure or one in the face of no other option, as we know now the process of Ardern’s resignation was not a surprise but a well managed and orchestrated departure – that I question the willingness of.

As I recall, the first mention of Ardern on this site was a post in 2017 [that may still be available] asking if Ardern was a feminist.

A Labour Party back bencher, no executive experience, and a relatively unknown MP, was elevated to Leader of the Oposition in the last few weeks of the country’s 2017 General Election, when her predecessor Andrew Little resigned in the face of unfavourable polls

The Rest as they say, is history.

Interviewed this week by TV One’s John Campbell, Ardern responded to a reference to Parliament’s ‘Hall of Pictures’ saying,

I did think about that, walking down the hallway: One day I’ll be finished and all that will remain is that picture and perhaps how I made people feel.

Here lies the great divide in New Zealand, all that you promised and didn’t deliver and all you did and the diaster you left behind.

The chasm between is so wide Ardern has built herself a new role in response to the caustic social media war and defending the world against the hate-filled internet – that in itself is an extraordinary global media phenomenon beyond this post.

Ardern will be appointed as an unpaid special envoy of New Zealand managing her ongoing Christchurch Call and reporting directly to our current Prime minister Chris “Chippy” Hipkins.

That position will be reviewed at the end of this year while Ardern will also assist Prince William as a board member in his growing administration.

As this unfolds feelings will be intense – earlier this week the current Prime minister resorting to labeling critics of Ardern as being “the fringe” in New Zealand along with the demand, to leave Ardern alone.

Chippy’s Political sensitivity about his former leader and life long political buddy doesn’t take away other people’s feelings.
He may have been better to shut up and not run a close second to Michael Wood calling protesters, “Ferals in a River of Filth.”

The distance between those that walk the corridors of power and the Kiwi in the street has grown to a majestically open and transparent contempt for the New Zealand public and yes the ordinary decent people of New Zealand do question the empathy of those in Parliament and their ability to relate to the politically homeless in particular, who have had enough.

The ignominy and the irony in this case is, that was Winston Peter’s 2017 election catch cry, “Had Enough.”

As for “Cindy” (who Ardern’s stalwart supporters railed against should anyone dare to diminish her granduer) the question now arises, as to, what did Ardern feel?

Throughout her entire tenure Ardern has been no empress without clothes when the occasion has required feigned empathy manufactured for the political response of the occasion.

Once again, a great divide exists between those who saw love and kindness and those who saw a fake – to call out these people as the fringe of your country is arrogantly and ignorantly walking in your predecessor’s footsteps.

Mr Fix-it in the Ardern Administration, may have been able to bury many indiscretions, yet to come back and haunt him but as for the “toxic empathy” of Jacinda Ardern’s Prime ministerial persona, Hipkins appears to genuinely see this as normal.

This is not as many have tried to spin it, misogyny and the incapacity (of white cis men in particular) to exist under young female leadership.

The eyes that see Ardern’s toxic empathy are both male and female, and without any other qualifications young or old, educated or ordinary, wealthy or modest … whatever.

There’s something about these people, though … “this fringe” that I’m quite comfortable with.

They care.

Sat 1st April 2023

Steve Cranston

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 8:16 am

A Candidate From the newly registered DemocracyNZ Party.

I haven’t meet this guy so I can only go by what I have sourced online.

He is an agricultural/environmental consultant (currently managing a dairy farm) who didn’t like the direction of regulations in the industry. Trained as an Agricultural Scientist at Lincoln and has a very straight forward, probably what many would call, bloke attitude.

I’ve seen his lives online. I can’t think of anyone recently who has a clear straight forward manner like this in politics to compare him to.

He has posted a complaint to the HRC regarding Marama Davidson’s CIS outburst mentioned in the previous post.

Cranston is standing as a candidate in the Waikato electorate, where that rather radical university is located.

I’ve noticed in general though, how the feminist crusade isn’t so dominant in the narrative now and certainly after the Posie Parker incident that might remain the case.

Thu 30th March 2023

Census 2023

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 6:15 am

I’m sure we’ve had debate on previous census and the manner and the structure of questions.

I spotted this comment on social media which has prompted this post:

I like how desperate the census tv ads are begging NZ men to fill in the forms – after shitting endlessly on men, watching officials beg FOR their participation is glorious

Responding to that another commenter said:

Agreed. I’m actively disengaged from a process that doesnt appear interested in serving the average person, and generates data for a bureaucracy that ignores facts and evidence.

What’s your response to the recent census.

Tue 28th March 2023

What Marama Said

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 2:31 pm

The fallout from the Albert Park protest in the weekend continues. Hipkins supports Davidson on the basis that she had a violent altercation with a mother cycle.

The handle bar of a motorcycle hit Davidson as she was waiting to use a pedestrian crossing seemingly without consequence. This was approximately 12 minutes before a Counterspin journalist recorded the statement from the prevention of violence minister.

Marama Davidson has according to media issued an apology to “our white cis prime minister” which I doubt came with any real sincerity but as a matter of protocol.

Sun 26th March 2023

NZ Youth Crisis

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:50 am

Recently there has been some debate about youth crime mainly because of the number of ramraids on retail shops.

The escalating crime has been met with denials, misinformation and false reporting of gun crimes and ram raids.

In the broader context yesterday’s protest brought out a different neighbourhood of thug who has some reason to not participate in society in what we might describe as a normal and acceptable fashion.

Has the Fabian model produced a chain reaction over a period of time with, fatherless children, failed education, school absenteeism, a lack of life opportunities?

How do young adults unlearn the path our society has put them on?

How do we unwind what we did wrong?

White Cis Men

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 6:09 am

At a protest in Auckland yesterday:

I am the Prevention Violence Minister and I know who causes violence in the world. It is White Cis Men

Marama Davidson
Greens Co-leader

This was in the lead up to the Posie Parker protest at Albert Park where our minister was filmed on route to support trans activists.

The two sides of the protest as I understand this are, women protesting against trans people, and pro trans activists protesting against ‘discrimination’.

Later in the same video Davidson says,

I am Tangata Whenua, and trans phobia is not welcome here.

Does this translate to, I am a Maori woman in government who says, white men are not welcome in Aotearoa?

Further in to the day, Davidson was allegedly, deliberately hit by a motorcycle whilst using a pedestrian crossing.

Davidson is said to be recovering after receiving medical treatment. A report by RNZ details the incident.

“Aotearoa should be a place where everyone can live their lives without fear of hate or discrimination.”
Greens Co-leader James Shaw

As I understand this, James Shaw, would be a ‘White Cis Male’ and not welcome in New Zealand?

In Davidson’s rant, and I call it a rant, because I think she may have gone a little insane having decided that “trans women are toanga (treasure) and Te Māori was never so boring.

If Davidson isn’t insane she is certainly a racist degenerate on a minister’s salary.

We pay 300k each in salary alone for these two persons.

As I understand these minority notions this fellow is a white cis male too, even if he is a bit gay.

One might also ask, what Chippy is going to do about this minister who belongs to his coalition party and not his own.

Sat 25th March 2023

Winston Peters

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:57 am

Winston Peters, well known as the founder and only leader of the NZ First Party refuses to retire.

He is one of the few politicians who has featured positively on MENZ at times and one might have thought would be happily retired now but was busily delivering his “State Of The Nation” speech yesterday to a Grey Power audience in a church in Howick.

If you watched that, you would have seen the statesman play to the congregation with several references to the Bible and tease their sense of humour with his ancestry, about how one half of him wants a drink and the other half doesn’t want to pay for it.

Later he would stand outside and say NZ First wouldn’t go into coalition with any racist parties.

That contradiction is perhaps a grand example of the Kiwi comedians Kiwi men were, and the Wokesters of the current generation.

Idiosyncrasies aside amid the war on men by the Clark Administration Winston came out with the slogan, “A man for a Change.”

Yes, it got attention and I know who they were playing to, because they rang me up and asked me to join NZ First.

What would you have done?

My answer was a straight out “No”.

I’d previously turned down National and ACT in the election before. I never believed that I would or could make any significant difference in a political party when those that have been male friendly never got past vague platitudes in Parliament.

But Winston himself could have made a difference. He had the opportunity to contest the removal of the section 59 legislation but never stood true to his rhetoric.

Yesterday, his integrity suffered its biggest test, when he said, he knew nothing about He Pua Pua, yet NewsHub showed the document where he led the Commissioning of that report.

His deteriorating sanity was questioned before he left parliament in 2020, now his honour is on the table too.

From a young academic, a rugby player, to one of the country’s best known career political figures, we now get to sit in judgment on what we see, not as a politician or whatever you consider his accomplishments, but as a man.

Is this the Kiwi statesman that deserves to be called, Sir Winston as opposed to Sir John Key?

Fri 24th March 2023

Malachi Subecz and Mandatory Reporting

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 3:37 pm

With all respects and empathy for the those close to Malachi, it’s important to consider this tragic case further.

The family, Dame Karen Poutasi who conducted a review, ‘independent victim advocate’ Ruth Money and others have called for mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse. Dame Poutasi made other recommendations too, including vetting those who look after children whose mothers are imprisoned and increasing cross-agency communication and cooperation. Some of these recommendations may well be helpful, but the most effective solutions were lacking due to faulty understanding of the causal factors in this case. (more…)

Thu 23rd March 2023

Youth Offending

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:08 am

The above article is prompted by the recent appointment of a former police policy-wonk to Minister of Police.

Ginny Andersen replaces the disgraced Stuart Nash who swapped jerseys to take up the bottom position in cabinet as punishment for his mouth
… again. The boy was trying to talk tough and broke the rules.

This in itself is interesting as we haven’t seen a conflict of interest appointment, with former police staff as Minister, since Clem Simich in the middle of last century.

I’m not sure if that is a gender issue, lax left-wing arrangements or a very shallow talent pool in Labour.

There’s a podcaste interview by Mike Hoskings, which I won’t comment on in detail, other than to highlight these points.

Youth offending, which is really a euphemism for mother’s failing to raise young men, is out of control.

A notable period of history where this has happened before occurred in England where Lord Baden-Powell, ordered by the monarch of the day, to sort it out, started Boy Scouts.

The Minister’s problem is attributed to the recent discovery of the impacts of domestic violence, and the recent increase in reporting of domestic violence which was never reported before because it was a private matter.

Now this rubbish by Andersen needs to be called out as the private issue and non-reporting of domestic violence ended last century in the 1980s. It had to because the introduction of the Family Court by the mid 80s was responsible for conflicts that led to homicides.

These rhetoric crutches which support policy that creates “successful programmes” that somehow can’t explain the increase in youth offending aren’t propaganda, they’re bullshut dripping from this woman’s mouth, so we’d expect someone like Hoskings to dig for answers.

He didn’t get any.

Sun 19th March 2023

Coercive control – Get your man sent to jail.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 9:37 pm

This is Australian based. There are a few abstracts for some of the links below.

Coercive control is the latest weapon aimed at destroying men. Be warned, It’s coming soon to a police station near you.

False allegations have long been used by women to obtain violence orders to get men thrown out of their homes. But they need breaches to get him imprisoned. What’s different about coercive control laws is they are criminal offences, which makes it much easier to send convicted men to jail.

1. What is coercive control?

2. The worldwide state of play

3. Coercive control and homicide

4. Roll out to target men.

5. Legal and policing clusterfuck.

6. Male victims in the news

7. Advice for male victims of coercive control

8. Advice for falsely accused men

Fri 17th March 2023

Mothers Are Fit And Able Regardless

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 1:57 pm

Fathers are treated as so unimportant that whoever wrote and authorized this article didn’t see any need to explain why the father(s) of these children were not caring for them when the mother was a meth addict and had already been found to neglect them. In fact, the article didn’t mention father at all. Perhaps the children were from virgin births.

Thu 9th March 2023

The Rise of Father Absence and Its Attendant Social Ills

Filed under: General — JohnPotter @ 9:42 am

Fatherless children are at higher risk of delinquency that undermines their own prospects and disrupts the communities in which they reside.
Published by David C. Geary at Quillette 7th March 2023

Men’s investment in their children is one of the most remarkable features of the human family. Such investment might not seem unusual to readers with engaged fathers, and it might seem wanting in comparison to mothers’ investment, but it is an evolutionary riddle, nonetheless. This is because male parenting is uncommon in mammals, and doesn’t occur at all in our two closest relatives, chimpanzees and bonobos. Although the evolutionary history of men’s parenting lies beyond the scope of this essay, one aspect is relevant: men’s parenting is facultatively expressed. This means that men’s engagement with children is more sensitive than women’s engagement to the dynamics of the marital relationship and to broader social and economic conditions. The result is that social mores and broader conditions impact men’s engagement with children more than they impact women’s engagement, for better or worse.


Tue 7th March 2023

Misandry in Workplace Sexual Harassment

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 10:43 pm

So, a male senior medical officer (i.e. highly trained, highly experienced and in short supply) communicates some suggestive texts and comments to a female junior doctor who has responded in kind on a number of occasions. The female then feels uncomfortable about the communications and complains to her supervisor. When then confronted by the hospital authorities, the senior doctor admits his communications, accepts in retrospect that they had been inappropriate and he expresses understanding about the discomfort of the female. The hospital authorities then conduct an ‘investigation’ including an interview with him, concluding that he had breached the employer’s rules and engaged in unprofessional conduct. He disagrees that his conduct had been ‘unprofessional’ and he is so traumatized that he is hospitalized for a stress-induced illness. The employer then uses that as an excuse to sack him.

The female acknowledged she had participated in the flirtatious communications. There is no indication that she ever told him she was becoming uncomfortable or that she asked for the flirtatious interactions to stop or for him to stop such communications to her. (more…)

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